[center][h1][color=fff79a]Character Sheet Guidlines[/color][/h1] [i]Your character should be a well renowned Pokemon trainer, but they don't have to be (or have been) a league champion. They could be well renowned for some other reason than battling (i.e. a Pokemon Coordinator, Breeder, etc.) But at the end of the day, they are being invited to participate in a battle centered tournament, so they should have a strong collection of Pokemon to choose from. Your character can have a number of motivations for entering this tournament. Maybe they are after the grand prize for fortune and fame, or maybe they desperately want to gain that citizenship so that they can come and go as they please and catch rare Pokemon. OR maybe they aren't actually that interested in winning the whole thing; maybe they just see this as a great opprituity to visit the region, win or loose. Everyone is allowed ONE main character and MULTIPLE side characters. All character sheets should be put inside hiders and consolidated into one post with the main character being at the top of the post. You must get a MAIN character approved before requesting a new SIDE character. Without further adieu, inside the hiders below, you will find the character sheet outlines for MAIN characters and SIDE characters: [/i] [/center] [hider=MAIN] [quote] [b]Name:[/b] First Last (Required) [b]Alias:[/b] ([i]Optional Nickname[/i]) [b]Title:[/b] ([i]Optional. What prestigious title can they claim?[/i] [b]Age:[/b] 12-100 ([i]Required. I put the start age at 12 just in case your character is some sort of out-of-the-gate-prodigy, but I don't want everyone to be doing this.[/i]) [b]Appearance:[/b] ([i]Required. One paragraph description [b]AND/OR[/b] [u]picture[/u].[/i]) [b]Personality:[/b] ([i]Required. One paragraph.[/i]) [b]Biography:[/b] ([i]Required. Two to four paragraphs.[/i]) [b]Pokemon Party:[/b] ([i]List your trainer's six starting Pokemon as shown in the example below. Be sure to use follow the rules outlined in the first OOC post. Don't worry about listing moves or items, as they can be changed before each battle, and don't worry about happiness or shiny status, because that's silly (just don't change them and we're fine.)[/i] [list] [*]Pkm_1_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature [*]Pkm_2_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature [*]Pkm_3_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature [*]Pkm_4_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature [*]Pkm_5_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature [*]Pkm_6_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature [/list] [b]Reserve Pokemon:[/b] ([i]Make a list with question marks only, as shown below.[/i] [list] [*]??? [*]??? [*]??? [*]??? [/list] [/quote] [/hider] [hider=SIDE] [quote] [b]Name:[/b] (Same as MAIN) [b]Alias:[/b] (Same as MAIN) [b]Title:[/b] (Same as MAIN) [b]Age:[/b] 12-100 (Same as MAIN) [b]Appearance:[/b] (Same as MAIN) [b]Personality:[/b] ([i]Required. One to three sentences.[/i]) [b]Biography:[/b] ([i]Required. One to two paragraphs.[/i]) [b]Pokemon Party:[/b] (Same as MAIN) [list] [*]Pkm_1_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature [*]Pkm_2_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature [*]Pkm_3_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature [*]Pkm_4_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature [*]Pkm_5_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature [*]Pkm_6_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature [/list] [b]Reserve Pokemon:[/b] ([i]Same as MAIN[/i] [list] [*]??? [*]??? [*]??? [*]??? [/list] [/quote] [/hider] [i][b]That's it! You can add extra information fields if you want, but as long as the basics above are included, then we're good.[/b][/i] [hr] [center][h3][i][color=fff79a]Please direct all questions to the OOC section. [/color][/i][/h3][/center] [hr]