[center][color=red] "Daku Blackclaw, I will be your opponent." [/color][/center] [indent] His booming voice ushered the words coldly, as he slowly began to approach the spirit, when he spoke the spirits name, the malevolent entity turned to him and readied itself, but the spirit had no idea what lay in store. The giant manifested into the astral plane himself as he walked, a faint blue shimmer coating his body as he became near-holographic. Upon reaching the spirit, he firmly planted his left hand around the astonished spirit's throat and forced his sword through Daku's chest, whilst impaled, the giant's commanding voice growled [/indent] [center][color=red] "You will release the woman of your curse. Daku Blackclaw, I banish you back to the grave! Influence this plane of existence no more or you shall be obliterated!" [/color][/center] [Indent] All that followed of this was the spirit screaming horrifically, as if in the upmost of agony, thrashing it's ethereal body around his sword wildly, but the spirit slowly began to dissolve into light blue flaky particles, blowing away in the wind of the storm whipping around them. The giant had only muttered to himself, seemingly reverting his doings of his own transformation. Slowly, he began materializing in a mortal-body once more although still wounded and drenched from the rain, he had not forgotten his duty. He knelt down beside the quivering woman and gently lifted her up, cradled in his massive arms. He made haste to his cabin, slipping inside the door and laying her upon his bed. He searched her exterior over, respecting the privacy under her garments. No injuries too severe, he thought. He was aware she'd need time to rest. He made himself get away from the scene, filling himself a mug and heading outside, standing underneath a tree during the pouring rain. He began to mutter to himself [/indent] [center][color=red] "What's done is done. That place.. That time. Memories must be laid to rest. That is not the world I live in today, nor is it the world of tomorrow. She will learn this soon. [/color][/center] [Indent] So he stood, drinking silently and absorbing the flora and storm around him, and he began to calm. Alas, any man of worldly upbringing could learn to appreciate the Earth around him. But there was something about this land that seemed different to him, though he couldn't place a finger upon what it was. His mind trailed again, as he began to hum a short melody, that later broke into song. [/Indent] [center][color=red] "The icy winter is creeping near Dark skies above us Biting frost in the air Darkness surrounds us The cold piercing autumn breeze Fills the longships sail Soon the lakes and seas will freeze And snow will lay its veil Many years we've been away Many oceans we have roamed Now the North star guides us on our way As we are heading home The many hardships we've endured Have brought us rich reward Now the North star guides us home With cargo full of gold Many friends died on the way Only few of us survived But I would gladly take their place In Oden's hall up high The icy winter is creeping near Dark skies above us Biting frost in the air Darkness surrounds us Soon the lakes and seas will freeze And snow will lay its veil And we will long for the summer breeze Where we can set our sails" [/color][/center]