[h3][center]~~Ebon Shael~~[/center][/h3] [@Shoryu][@Ninja] [hr] It seemed her joke fell flat once again. The quadruped was backing up rather quickly. Ah, pity! She'd need to find a way to break this language barrier before she continued on, wouldn't she? How else could she entertain? One had to understand something to begin with to laugh at something, after all! Like explaining a joke! Explaining a joke was bad form, yes yes! That aside - Something was here. Something unpleasant. Something that made her physically frail body tremble lightly. Something was quite displeased, like the President was when she heard news that the Sel'Chroma had attacked one of their border cities. Ah, not fun, not fun. The president was scary when she was angry. Not as frightening as whatever this was - but it certainly was displeased with something. The castle door slamming open brought her out of her musings, a swift, raging wind greeting them. Cold, merciless, like the ice-blasted plains on the dark side of Sal'Xantis. The silky white strands of Shael's hair blew backwards, the chimes in her hair jingling unpleasantly as they were assaulted as she shielded her eyes with her hand. And then out stepped something she didn't think she'd see on such a far off planet. The light inside the door had been rendered pitch black, a dark, inky void that not even her enhanced sight could pierce despite the moonlight still illuminating the surroundings. Oddly, she was not surprised to see the moonlight focusing on the doorway. Lunar Magic was standard fare on Sal'Xantis. It was the forte of the merciless cold spirits that lived on the dark side of the planet. "Shiestal! Beryllius?" Shael's eyes widened in mild terror for a brief moment as the creature of night sauntered out of the castle. The creature loomed over even her, and was nearly completely featureless aside from a tinted glow around the edges and dark, hollow voids where its eyes should be. Whatever could it be? The initial fear was quickly replaced by curiosity as its high pitched wail assaulted her ears. "Ah, ah, that is not a pleasant tune!" Shael held the side of her head where her ears presumably were as Zecora fled. "Tsk, you couldn't even entertain the Sel'Chroma with that noise! Hee-hee!" She brightly chuckled, shaking her head. It had looked to be something else - something she was far more familiar with. Something that meeting was almost a death sentence on her home planet. But now she merely wanted to study this phenomena, but before she could, she was once again interrupted by an incredibly unpleasant wail. "Ah, curious! Curious thing what are you? Not physical like striped hungry friend, but ethereal like the Ebon!" Despite her talking, she was quite certain this thing would not respond even if it could. Oh well. "I should have you know," Shael continued as the dark creature continued approaching. "I am a master in the art of skedaddling! Attacking me will be a fruitless endeavor." Despite her seeming levity, she was already preparing the 13th art to block any potential ranged attack this thing tried. [h3][center]~~The Wreck of the Eventide~~[/center][/h3] [@Double] [hr] Thankfully the quadruped didn't seem hostile. If anything, he seemed more curious. Perhaps kindred spirits? Only time would tell. Silently and curiously Jessiel watched as a book floated out of the small horned creatures backpack. Magic? Here? Curious. Mental note made. The book was interesting and something of note as well. He couldn't read it, but that was too be expected of a foreign language. He continued to watch as the creature went about his work. A bright flash came from his horn - a conduit of some kind? - Lighting up the area with a brief flash of blue as images appeared above his head. Ah, of course. A simple and obvious solution! Visuals were indeed optimal for situations where language failed between two intelligent species. The pictures lacked a certain scientific phenomena, but they did serve their purpose. The second panel seemed to indicate the creature casting another spell, followed by a third. Ah...a communication spell? That was entirely possible. "Partly." A series of chimes and hums followed before Jessiel paused. "Temporary solution small one." He took a look around the immediate area. "Welcome here? Ebon have no wish for harm. Merely study."