[center][img]https://imgur.com/4txTVEN.png[/img] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BI_0HIz_4JY]▶▶[/url] ✖ [i]Yeah, you know that it’s true[/i] ✖ ✖ [i]I’ve been saving all my summers for you[/i] ✖ [i](Froot - Marina and the Diamonds)[/i] #OOTD: [url=https://i.imgur.com/np9X1pj.png]✖[/url]|[url=https://images.prod.meredith.com/product/4906b0f7137eb960154cb470d7622ab4/1493885364808/l/fenty-puma-by-rihanna-strapped-platform-sneakers]✖[/url]|[url=https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1W1B9QVXXXXc3XXXXq6xXFXXXc/Cute-Girls-Lolita-Pink-Jeans-Jacket-Detachable-Hat-Hooded-Long-Sleeve-Outwear.jpg_640x640.jpg]✖[/url]|[url=https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/S8gp93B5ntfwtqfhbuZDuBau6Ic/fit-in/1024x1024/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2017/05/25/762/n/1922564/3087b390e7c59777_netimgXQA4SY/i/Vans-Circle-Life-Sunglasses-Fashion-Sunglasses.jpg]✖[/url][/center] [hr] “I don’t appreciate being singled out.” Luka shot Angelica a look and then hopped out of the van before she could yell at him. He shouted a quick “see you later” to the others before scampering off into the crowd. Almost immediately, he was overwhelmed by noise, motion, and bright colors. It was a good thing Killer Queen decided to stay home; she would have hated this. Luka, however, felt right at home in the middle of the crowd of weirdos. Only a few minutes in, someone in a bright green morphsuit threw a handful of confetti at him. That had to be a good omen, right? Luka went on to join an impromptu dance party led by a guy holding up a boombox, then managed not to lose his shit and embarrass himself when a really handsome guy (who, by the way, was shirtless and very fit) told him he looked cute. After running into some people he knew from the local theater, he hung with them for a while, then split off to take a breather. Sitting against a building with a sandwich the length of his forearm, he watched the crowd go by. He was pretty relieved that nobody had recognized him as Samhain so far. His identity wasn’t exactly a closely-guarded secret, but he definitely didn’t want it to be common knowledge. It was mostly because his parents were semi-famous public figures (a best-selling travel writer and her editor), and there was no doubt that someone would ask them about their son’s hobby of fighting crime dressed as a cat. That would be an issue because, well, Luka never told them about it. Plus, they weren’t the most sympathetic to New Breeds (among many other kinds of people) and while he didn’t care about what they thought of him, he wanted to avoid the drama. He knew he would probably have to deal with it later on, but wearing a mask and keeping his face off of his social media were his way of buying more time to mentally prepare. Luka sighed. Thinking about his parents was really bringing his mood down. Shaking off the negative thoughts (or at least trying to), he stood up and typed out a message to the SYNBAD group chat. [center][i]spookyboi: i’m bored who wants to meet up >;3[/i][/center] Perfect. [hr] [center][img]https://imgur.com/8srSnnZ.png[/img][/center]