“So... do we have a deal?” The words hung in the air for a few moments. Flint looked around at his probable companions. They weren’t your usual group, that was for certain. The High Aldonian was young, strong, but very likely to draw attention. The girl couldn’t have much experience, might last a few seconds in a melee, but she looked fast, and might be a good scout. As for the third... he had maybe a decade on Flint, and a fair amount of muscle. Capable of large amounts of damage, but only if he could stay standing long enough. Add Flint himself, and with a great deal of cooperation, they might stand more than a chance. They could move swiftly, travel light, and pose enough of a threat that they might make a bandit think twice. Although that one bandit could just as easily be their downfall. It was a risky balance, one that could fall either way. One a mercenary has to make every time he’s contracted. Ultimately, it was the weight of his purse - or lack of weight - that made him choose. He stood straight, and placed his hand on the table. [color=8dc73f]”I can’t tell you if the fool is the one who signs on or the one that walks away. But aye, you have my blade, ser. Flint Ambrose is at your service.”[/color]