Crow nodded and laughed lightly when Penelope said that day had been her favorite of their journey so far. “I can’t say I disagree,” he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. “Although I think today has been even better for me. I got to kiss the most beautiful woman in all of Brerra.” He smirked at her coyly. At her mention that Hartley wasn’t the most oblivious one of the three of them, he grew quiet, contemplating her words. What she said was true. He suddenly realized that they had been awkward around each other since before they had even crossed the border to Younis. It was strange to think that they had each been pining for the other for so long without noticing that they both wanted the same thing. [i]That was why…[/i] his eyes widened with the realization that Penelope had had feelings for him at the time when he had gone off to be with Olivia. [i]That must have been why she was so upset that night.[/i] She hadn’t been mad at Olivia for taking her friend away, she had been hurt that he had wanted Olivia over her. He averted his gaze, [i]Well, now I feel like a jerk.[/i] He wasn’t sure what to say to her. He couldn’t lie and say that he hadn’t actually been interested in the other knight, but would she even believe the truth—that he had only pursued Olivia out of a physical desire? He wasn’t sure, but he felt like he had to say something. “Listen, um,” Crow fidgeted uncomfortably. “About what happened with Olivia… I’m sorry. I didn’t know how you felt about me, and I’m sorry if I caused you any pain. I swear I wouldn’t have gone after her if I had known.” He forced himself to meet her gaze again. “Is there any way I can make it up to you?” “Alright,” the wench, who had just returned with their food, said. “One smoked rabbit, and one pork stew with a mug of ale.” She set down the dishes on the table. “Thanks,” Crow said as she walked off to serve another table. He turned back to Penelope, nervously awaiting her response.