He was relaxed under the tree with Ambrose, but the issue still stood present that they had to meet the others and prepare for the final mission to find the last blade. The other six were locked away for safe keeping, but at this moment he didn't want it to end. At this moment with Ambrose close to him, his attention solely on the other male he just wanted to be with him, to forget everything else that was happening and just relax, but he knew it couldn't be, at least until they fully banished the demon. In the back of Caleb's mind, there was still a bit of nerve regarding the binding magical contract with Morgan. The guy still had one request he could use at any point and it could be anything so long as it didn't put Caleb's health on the line. It was crazy how much power Morgan had with just that one request in his arsenal. He could have Caleb destroy something, resurrect something, kill someone, the list was nearly endless, and it made him worry on what could really happen with that one request. Still, he forced it to the back of his mind as he looked at Ambrose who wanted to pursue something with him but was worried if they would have enough time. "Don't worry, we will. After all of this is over I want to take you on a proper date to an art museum. I would love for you to draw something for me," Caleb said realizing that an artist was always critical of their own work, "but after the museum we can go to dinner wherever you want and then maybe a movie," Caleb added enjoying the moment, getting a little too far ahead, but he just wanted to make Ambrose happy, to give him things he needed, to shower him with affection, with adoration, but he understood that Ambrose was human and he would do his best not to overdo it. When Ambrose checked his phone and showed him the numerous messages, Caleb sighed, returning back to reality and pulling his own phone out of his pocket. Sam, Ariana, Alex, Jeremy, they had all text him as well several times. "I guess we are huh?" Caleb replied leaning forward and stealing a quick kiss, though it truly wasn't as quick as he thought because when his lips touched Ambrose's, he found it hard not to keep going, but he mustered the self-control. "Let's get this over with, the sooner the better."