I'm a man of simple pleasures: cold beer, hot women, and juicy steak. But none of the simple joys in life hold a candle to meeting up with my diaperboys, diaping up, and going for a night [url=https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Crinkling]crinkling[/url] on the town. That's right, just the boys and I crinkling loud and proud for the world to see. We're hitting the coolest bars, hitting on the finest chicks, but don't expect to see us go to the boy's room. We fill those bad boys up where we damn well please, and if you don't like it then you better keep it to yourself lest your mouth write a check your ass can't cash. But if you're a fine mamacita and you like the smell coming off of these bad boys, then come home with me and I'll let you see what's filling these diapers.