[right][sub][color=crimson]LOCATION[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Arthur's Room[/color] [color=crimson]TIME[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Evening[/color] [color=crimson]INTERACTING WITH[/color] ⤑ Julius [Not Arthur] [color=crimson]FEELING[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Lost in the moment.[/color] [/sub] [/right] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LmYyOGNiYi5VMlZqYjI1a0lGUm9iM1ZuYUhRLC4w/bodonio-notebook.regular.png[/img] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/HVBQCMewREZiw/giphy.gif[/img] [img]http://jennifer-helene.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/divider_ribbon1.png[/img] [/center] He was determined to change her mind it seemed. She didn't know if she was unintentionally egging him on with her reactions or was just trying to change her mind, but it was working to his favor. It was getting hard to keep quiet, biting down on her lip so hard she was surprised she hadn't drawn blood just yet. Eva loved the way he kissed her, the feel of his hands on her skin driving her crazy. The threat of Julius returning was still going strong for her as she tried to resist the temptation. Her own body was combating itself between wanting to sleep and wanting to jump on Arthur, her mind a puddle until she thought of Julius walking in on them. An unwelcome surprise all things considered, but they were under the covers, and despite his earlier claim that Eva belonged to him, it was one way of showing him that she was Arthur's, not his. Geez, when did she become such an exhibitionist? She had to be more careful with her grudges, she still needed to be respectful as a guest of the house. All that flew out the window, however, as his hand reached its destination, and she arched her back slightly in anticipation. Unable to fight it any longer, she shifted as she decided to turn to face him, slightly breathless as she got as close to him as possible. As she leaned in to kiss him, however, the light from outside gave her an image that made her blood run cold. At first she thought she had been mistaken, but she knew that face too well to be mistaken. "[color=pink]Julius...?[/color]" His name came hushed, a pit forming in her stomach. "[color=pink]What-When did you--[/color]" It was like someone had slapped her out of her thoughts, her hand flying to her mouth as the harsh realization kicked in. Oh god, he just did all that with her permission thinking he was Arthur! She felt sick, though her terrified expression quickly became anger as she pushed him away from her. "[color=pink]Who the hell do you think you are, touching me like that?![/color]" She asked, furious at him and herself, though she was still somewhat shaking, his touch a ghost on her skin. [hr] Entering the darkened room, Ariadne tossed her coat onto the nearest armchair, stripping off the many layers she wore as she walked through the room. As she was about to take her dress off, she came to a halt, eyeing Evan seated at the computer in front of him with one of his hands on his chin. After leaving the room and telling her had something to take care of, he had come back and remained in the same spot. Saying she was less than pleased to see Evan sitting so idly was an understatement, especially after her own bad day. He was completely unfocused, a slight frown on his face as his finger would occasionally tap one of the keys purely out of habit. Ariadne's eyes fell onto Evan's computer screen, several numbers showing what looked like an auction, though she ended up letting out a scoff. "[color=coral]Es-tu sérieux? C'est ce que vous avez fait toute la journée?[/color]" She huffed, marching over to him. He slowly looked away from the screen for a moment, as if just noticing her arrival. Did he even hear what she had said? "[color=coral]You're [i]still[/i] bidding on Giselle's services? Really?[/color]" She decided to get right to the point, walking up to the desk. Evan didn't respond right away, choosing to look at the monitor once more, green eyes lost in thought. "[color=darkorange]I couldn't do it,[/color]" He would admit to her as he lowered his hand. "[color=coral]Do what?[/color]" He hesitated for a moment, eyes downcast, and it seemed to hit her. "[color=coral]Negotiations were still ongoing and you decided you'd try to get rid of her preemptively? Are we back in high school making stupid decisions?[/color]" She scolded him. "[color=darkorange]Tying up loose ends isn't stupid,[/color]" He pointed out. "[color=darkorange]She hasn't been informed, but she's smart enough to know exactly where the tide is throwing her. She didn't seem too surprised to see me, either. It's a damn waste, I thought that maybe I could convince her or--[/color]" Ariande couldn't believe what she was hearing, although she slammed her hand onto the table to cut him off, finally grabbing his full attention. "[color=coral]You want to know how people like her leave their agencies? In a body bag, Evan, [i]that[/i] is how they operate. The only reason they even agreed to lend her to us in the first place was because of the ridiculous amount of money Uncle Gaspard threw at them.[/color]" She reminded him, finding his lack of a reaction rather unsettling. "[color=coral]What the hell is going through that brain of yours right now?[/color]" Seeing Giselle act so coldly to him earlier was what really bothered him, but Evan wasn't about to admit that to an already angered Ariadne. He assumed he had gotten more attached to her than he had realized, but it wasn't exactly something he could act on. His hands were tied, metaphorically speaking. In order to get some of his sister's heat off his back, he decided to change the subject. "[color=darkorange]I'm wondering if you've asked our new friends for help, seeing as you're struggling with Bastien,[/color]" Evan replied, raising an eyebrow at her as she let out a huff. "[color=coral]No. Apparently they've overstepped their boundaries on the Patrone territory. I'll take advantage of the commotion, go in, complete the job, and finally be rid of him.[/color]" She defended herself rather fiercely, and Evan couldn't help but smile at her irritated frown. She was such a perfectionist that when things didn't go her way, she would throw a fit. He understood where Helene got her temper tantrums from."[color=coral]Once that's done, I can go home and leave Helene to you. Assuming you won't be chasing after Giselle, that is,[/color]" She stated sharply, showing him that he wasn't exactly as home free as he thought. Chasing? Was that what it looked like to her? Evan's eyes widened in surprise, Ariadne's comment hitting him hard, though he returned to staring at the monitor, watching the numbers. It certainly would explain a few things, wouldn't it? The thought seemed to bring a smile to his face, and he surprised Ariadne by getting up. Instead of continuing the conversation, however, he chose to walk to the door. "[color=coral][i]Imbécile[/i]![/color]" She called out as he left, placing her hands on her hips. As he approached the elevator, he brought out his phone, dialing Giselle's number, and waited. [sub][1]Are you serious? This is what you have been doing all day? [2]Idiot![/sub] [hr] It was a very kind assumption Alexander made, all things considered. Of course he would assume Gigi and Helene grew up together, or at least, came from the same place. Alexander's network of friends and family were closely intertwined, the families fiercely loyal to one another. It was a multi-generation relationship, something completely foreign to her considering the way her agency worked. She nodded in understanding, but something else hit her. Jealousy? Maybe. It must be nice not having to constantly be on alert and waiting to be taken out depending on the situation, to have others you could put your trust in and depend on. He probably didn't mean it that way, but she felt strangely hesitant about it. But that's what Alexander did to her: make her constantly second guess things that were supposed to not even be a passing thought. Placing her elbows on the table, she rested her chin in her hands for a moment, her eyes not looking at anything in particular. "[color=orangered]My father met my mother in France, although they didn't exactly have a romance or anything when they conceived me,[/color]" She said, her voice somewhat airy as she spoke. "[color=orangered]He was from Japan, she was French or Italian...I think. So I guess I am French, technically speaking,[/color]" Leaning back in her seat, she tilted her head slightly, as if trying to think. "[color=orangered]I've never really thought about it before. Although...[/color]" Gigi trailed off as her phone went off. Taking it out of her pocket, she was surprised to see it was Evan. What could he want at this time? After letting it ring for a moment, she silenced the call, pocketing her phone once more. No, she had promised this was going to be her last normal day. Meanwhile, Alyssa watched the couple, particularly the way they interacted with one another. Alexander wasn't as hyper as usual, looking very collected even when he was excited. It was actually somewhat of a shock to her as she remembered Alexander in his 'prime' with Terrance, the former playboy having no shame when it came to picking up girls. She was also a little proud of him since he didn't look like the usual excited puppy begging for attention either. He was just a guy on a date, completely at ease. Gigi surprised her too, and while her expression never really shifted from its usual neutral one, she was much more talkative, which was a real treat as she never uttered more than a sentence to anyone that wasn't her, Helene, or Eva. Alyssa looked to ask Jacob if he noticed, although one of the waiters was watching him intently. "[b]Is that one of the new guys? I don't remember him at orientation.[/b]" Uh oh. Sauntering her way over to her comically disguised boyfriend, she nudged him. "[color=orange]If this was a stealth game, this would be the part where the music gets really ominous as the enemies start to notice you,[/color]" She whispered as she realized just how many people were looking at him. "[color=orange]They're about to go, let's get to the car so we can follow them.[/color]" She let out a small 'eek' as she noticed Gigi peering at them, and once Jacob's hands were free, she took his arm and dragged him with her, practically throwing her apron aside as she ran. "[color=orangered]That boy with that mustache...he was bizarre...[/color]" Gigi commented, watching the pair run. [hr] Oh shit, Terrance was actually feeling guilty. Helene had expected a witty comment, maybe a cheeky touch, but the way he was now was something she didn't see coming. Terrance was sorry--maybe she had hit the nail on the head more than she had thought? Now there was a downer thought. The silence that lingered was one full of regret, and although she probably should have felt bad for eliciting such a reaction, something about it made her strangely feel better. It was actually somewhat relieving to see him so sorry, even if it wasn't for the best reason. Gently prying his hands off her, she turned herself around and sat on his lap. Despite the not-so-innocent implications, she placed her hands on either side of his face, forcing him to look at her, her own eyes looking directly at him. "[color=lightsalmon]I don't care if you did,[/color]" She corrected him, her hands slowly moving down his neck and onto his shoulders. "[color=lightsalmon]I said every complication, remember that,[/color]" She told him sternly, her green eyes fierce. "[color=lightsalmon]If that's what it means to make you mine, then fine. Use me however you want as long as it means I can be with you. I've wasted too much time being in denial and never coming forth with how I feel to suddenly turn around and leave for something that happened in the past.[/color]" [center][img]http://heartfull.life/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2016/04/divider_ribbon2.png[/img][/center]