Map! [hider=Small][img=][/hider] [hider=Gigantic] (If, for some reason, your screen isn't 3360 x 3360 px, click [url=]here[/url]. [hider2=No, seriously, this image is huge][img=][/hider2][/hider] [u]Edit:[/u] So I've got a conundrum. If we accept the distances that real-life gives us, then to get to any other empire in a reasonable amount of time (say, 5-10 years to get to the Septonium Concordant), then my ships have to travel at four to two thousand c (that's 4000-2000 times the speed of light). People might be justifiably frightened of such colossal speeds. Even then, a "turn" in this RP would have to cover a year or so for ships to get anywhere any time soon. Alternatives include wormholes, jump-lanes, and other non-"FTL Drive" types of propulsion, but I find it mildly annoying that to function as a space-empire, we'd [i]have[/i] to use that type of tech (different types of FTL travel mean different tactical and roleplay advantages). Additionally, we'd need to create a jump-lane/wormhole map for most of the galaxy, and everyone would have to pick locations again. Or we could shrink the entire galaxy by a couple of factors of ten. Or maybe we're okay with ships that can go 4000c. Thoughts? (Obviously Mattmaganon gets final say)