[hr][hr][center][h1][color=FFD9E9]Allison Andrews[/color][/h1][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/c464434cba0714d6865128aa0a0d3a26/tumblr_mh70geHPO21qghwxto1_500.gif[/img][hr][color=FFD9E9][b]Location[/b][/color]: Stark Tower: Home Theater Room [hr][hr] [/center] Allison ignored the robotic voice as it came on, even when it played the dreaded movie. Ayita had walked in and, again, Allison fought the urge to break into tears. Out of everyone, Ayita was one she still considered a friend and ally. If anyone could help Allison, it was Ayita. [color=FFD9E9]"Damn her, Ayita! She's throwing more people into danger. For what? We saved humanity and then the fucking next president decides he needs to capture us and experiment on us. And what's the plan? Sending more people to him. It's idiotic. It's thinking like that that got...."[/color] Allison paused. She took a breath and let it out slowly. [color=FFD9E9]"It's thinking like that that got Oshea killed."[/color] It was a blow, but a blow that needed to be dealt. She had been thinking it and now it was out in the open. She hadn't even noticed Charlie entered as she glanced back up. Charlie, a friend sure, but not one she expected to come check on her. He seemed just as fed up with the others as she felt. [color=FFD9E9]"Hey Charlie. Sorry about that..."[/color] But Charlie was not done. He had an idea. And not a bad one. The other X-men should be made aware, if they didn't already know. They were out of their league now. Maybe it was time to call in back-up, especially if Mary planned to throw more pople into Jakobsen's trap. [color=FFD9E9]"Yeah, that's not a bad plan. I imagine the others won't be thrilled about it, so we would have to do it secretly."[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][color=ED455F]Sara Grey[/color][/h1][img]http://78.media.tumblr.com/de8d897978ce265be34d42460340e87f/tumblr_inline_o9kn5tgj3D1rifr4k_500.gif[/img][hr][color=ED455F][b]Location[/b][/color]: Stark Tower [/center][hr][hr] Sara also felt fed up. She was pleased as punch to be able to be one to go on the mission, but how Mary could just say everyone else needed to stand back and wait and think of plans and weaknesses rather than acting was bordering on stupid. Not only that, but the future girl was nearing metnal incompetency. Sara backed away when she started freaking out, ready to handle her should she decide to act on her whims. Soon, Folly was dragged away and things went back to normal-ish. Before Sara could speak up, Dean voiced his idea. And it was a good one. At least, for everyone. She knew her family would be concerned about her. Maybe even to the point they would think they were right in not sending her to Xavier. But she had to be here. Especially now. She let her anger pass. Mary was inexperienced and surely dealing with a lot right now, but she could also see Allison and Charlie's frustration. Perhaps they could come up with other gameplans the rest could do. [color=ED455F]"It's a good idea Dean. We should get on it soon since I imagine the news has traveled fast already."[/color] Sara also fought an eye-roll and Guin and Pietro's continued flirting back and forth despite the dreaded circumstances they were in. Granted, people often found solace in their loved ones, humor, and hobbies when danger was on the horizon, so she couldn't blame them one bit. Though it was now bordering on annoying. [color=ED455F]"Think you two could give it a rest until we actually have some things in motion. Are we preparing for this trip or not?"[/color]