[quote=@Shoryu] [@lugia] oh hi, sorry I took a while to respond XD my time was shortened for a while between RL stuff and preparing the next post XD Also, 3 letter horror show XD heavens, it's not 'that' bad! Though I have encountered people before with actual horse-phobias. As for the CS, I dunno about 'bad', so much as 'possibly' inaccurate? I assume by chunk you're talking about the different world-fragments I mentioned in the O.P.s, Which generally would never be floating near enough to eachother to 'physically' cross, nevermind being able to 'see' eachother, and varying bettween actual floating continents to simple being passages to whole worlds. That said, some of that could be handled by the disruptive anomalies of artifacts and evil entities mentioned in that little backstory of yours xD... It's 'plausible' that your own world fragment could be drifting and just so happened to be near enough then, but given that the current scene is in the middle of the nation, and any 'edge' he could jump to would be hundreds of miles away from the action [these are planetoids in size, not small floating island :D], unless he dropped down in the middle somehow XD [/quote] Hmm... I suppose I could tweak it a little bit, maybe he could use the artifact's abilities to warp somewhere, and, of course, his chunk (which I would be more than happy to elaborate on, if you want) would be floating away, so, it's kinda like a rare event, then? Not that he'd know, of course.