“Oh- Please, just- just call me Al. If anyone should be bowing, its me,” Alastor replied, in a bit of shock as he stared at the creature in front of him. Yellow eyes, white hair and fur, on the island where the Khrysopos is supposed to be located. “You’re the- You- I found- Wow.” “What my friend here is trying to say-” The strange woman cut in, throwing her arm around the prince’s shoulder, “-is that it is an honor to make your acquaintance.” “Friend?” “Yes, friend.” “I don’t make friends with witches,” Al raised an eyebrow at her, looking her attire up and down pointedly. “Just because my clothes are battered and dark doesn’t mean I’m a witch. Honestly, your highness, I expected better from you.” “You sound like my father,” he sighed, before turning his attention back to the other two. The prince was a bit more composed, having been properly annoyed out of his initial shock. “You must excuse me, I wasn’t expecting to find you so soon.”