Ambrose looked pretty grim, brows furrow and dark curls hanging in front of his tired eyes. But his expression instantly softened as Caleb's fingers brushed over his, and the young man felt a surge of comfort. At least the entire group was together now, hopefully they would be ready for whatever they had to face here. He nodded and got a move on as Alex started to lead the way. Jeremy tagged along by Sam, he almost looked as if he was her bodyguard or something. Caleb and Ambrose moved at the back of the group, keeping an eye on their flank. Ambrose was shocked when they emerged from the bunker, seeing the students living normally Ambrose thought for a split second that the spell didn't work. But there was something so distinctly [i]off [/i]about the scene, and that blue tint still remained. Their group was tightly knit as they made their way across campus, avoiding any interactions with the other people there. Alex led them pretty well, he was familiar with where they were going and how to get there. Though no one was excited, Ambrose was surprised it was going so well. They reached the headmaster's building, which they would have to descend into the basement to access the tunnels from there.