[@River Goblin] [Hider=Semi-legyhy explanation]I can understand that well enough, and ill work on fixing him to make more sense as a character. I hope his quote at least gave insight on what i was wanting him to be like? To be fair, I may be biting off more then I can chew jumping straight into adcanced after being gone for so long, but the setting and story potential are just so intriguing! As for the albinoism, when initialy writing it I thought that they would be more of an outcast than, say a black mouse, simply because they tend to be so rare. Or at least according to my limmited knowledge lol. But again ill work on that. On kents nickname, its because I wanted him to be somewhat of a scout, and being in the mountains where its likely to have a lot of snow he'd be able to hide quite well. This was intended to have a double meaning due to his ears, but with your explanation ill most likely change it to his tail. Would Snowfur be acceptable? Location wise, changing that is by all means easy and understandable, as for location I recall something about possible making a location. If so, I think i have a plan or two for him, which may help me in the end for his past profession if he gets that far.[/hider]