Ursaren assisted all he could with Alice's magical pursuits, but he found he wasn't needed. It wasn't insulting to him, as he knew that all magic was different in its own specific way. He gave it his all, but once his attempts were proving unneeded, Ursaren simply observed the girl's attempts at magic before nodding off at the end. Somehow, the old man slept surprisingly softly. He made barely any sounds aside from the occasional soft roar of his inner bear coming out. It was actually quite impressive. When Alice's attempts at magic occurred in the early morning, Ursaren awoke with a sudden panic, rolling off the bed and onto the floor with a thud. At first he was a slight bit annoyed, but he found himself laughing away the agitation before getting up and moving towards his gear and clean clothes. He was ready to switch to a different color, so he found himself wearing his new red garb. It was similar to the blue, how it had a serious number of patches, indicating that not even the glorious color of crimson red could withstand the mighty transformations from Ursaren's normal form to his bear state. After putting on his new clothes, grabbing his bag, and re-equipping his shield, Ursaren went downstairs to have himself a spot of breakfast. A majority of the group was downstairs when he arrived, and they were all talking about a potent threat of the Dark Elves from before might come to attack this village too. Someone suggested a scouting trip, and everyone began to chime in with their thoughts as they discussed what to do. Nicademus expressed a desire to help the party. Aeryn spoke with a fair bit of wisdom about the issue at hand. Alice brought up her good point that learning the lay of the land was a good idea. Settionne... well... he was fairly right too. Ursaren didn't have much to add, but he did know what he desired to do. [b]"I think that a hike is a good idea, and while I would love to come and assist the group that goes on the trek, I feel my restorative talents are of much more use here,"[/b] the old man spoke before taking a bite of an apple, chewing it a fair bit before speaking once again. [b]"Though if everyone here insists that I may be of more use on the hike, I shall go with the exploration group."[/b]