[hr][center][url=https://fontmeme.com/calligraphy-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180719/79fc6b2e72a150b3fa04675cd88bbdaa.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr] Velma had been up perhaps an hour before sunrise an innerclock in her body announcing its impending arrival and compelling her to the most open space the facility might allow her to worship the morning Sun. She was dressed in a diaphanous cloth especially chosen to allow the solar radiation to penetrate without scandalizing her made into a short sleeveless sundress her feet in a pair of rope toe sandals as she entered the meeting room. The air became fresher as she absorbed the CO2 in the air to feed the thermodynamics of her metabolism and her scent was like fresh grass or sweet flowering bamboo. She studied the photos of the Factory. It was built sometime at the height of the Victorian Industrial age as evidenced by the roof of the center building which looked like it might be on the Old Line Canal. It showed its prosperity by the expansions first away from the canal then closer. It was a lovely example of the period which meant even if it was an active factory it would be listed on the national register of historic buildings. Next she called up the Birmingham Historical register, then selected Brick factory adjacent to canal, the later laughably common. Minutes later she had found her building and the docent in charge of the records for the factory. Like many such low level bureaucrat she was even available online so Vemla after an introduction was downloading building plans as far back as 1892 as well as any photos taken and in the archives. Her goal was to use her resources to help enhance the mission by use of her knowledge of the way things were done in the UK.