Super shitty post up. Very short, not really what I wanted from it, and not at all happy with it. But I needed to get something up in time, and with how much I missed the past week and will miss for awhile coming up, I need to just find an opening to push my plans forward faster than intended. Otherwise, I'll wind up still being on day three of Daniel's story while the rest of you are wrapping up the final season one arcs. Also, yes, I'm aware there's an inconsistency with Daniel's logic and reasoning. That's intended. That being said, let me know if there are any errors I missed. My brain is not operating at 100% still. [quote=@Master Bruce]I'll go ahead and say you have until Sunday in light of your roofing situation. [/quote] I appreciate the gesture and would have taken you up on that. However, I had already made arrangements to only work half of today on the roof so I could get some writing done before you replied. So, you get a lesser post today, but hopefully the next time I'll have had more chance to write out something semi-decent. Thank you, though.