Rath cherished the wide array of pieces he had collected. In truth, they would likely never know how much he cared for each of them...all except for Clairemont. She was more like his partner in crime than just a Queen, and yet the most ferocious in showing her loyalty. If he had wanted a harem, he would have had it. If he wanted a board of professional killers, he would have it. Nothing stood in the way of his ambitions. No, He wanted a household with just as much ferocity and ambition as he did...and each had their own ways of expressing it which came as a bonus. A sharp laugh left him at Alisaie's bold declaration, that was was perhaps a tad [b]too[/b] feisty [color=silver]"Oh that's right Alisaie. You have never seen me truly fight, have you?"[/color] A playful glare shined in his bold eyes. She was not the only one showing off, as Pan's statement clearly demonstrated. The rivalry between his two knights had been growing too big for its cage, so that is another reason he decided on this kind of training [color=silver]"Alison. Do you doubt my judgement? If this is how you react to Pan, how can I trust you to handle a fight with a true horror?"[/color] His voice was stern and authoritative. Rath then turned towards Clairemont with a grin [color=silver]"If I did give you easy jobs, you would only end up bored."[/color] The two had gotten to know each other well, perhaps too well as evidenced by her next sentence. He silently scoffed [color=silver]"Then prepare for a long journey."[/color] What could possibly be the goal that Rath wished to acheive? Why none other than the highest position in the devil hierarchy: the Devil King himself! He rose from his seat and followed after the more rash two of his pieces out to a isolated part of the forest, free from observation. A small clearing was the meeting point where he stepped into its center [color=silver]"Now, to ensure we are not disturbed..."[/color] A protective dome encased the clearing and a large portion of the forest around it [color=silver]"Here are the conditions for this mock battle. Alison and Pan, your objective is to either disarm your opponent or put yourself in a position where the next strike would be fatal. You may also forfeit at anytime."[/color] He said to them. If they got too out of hand, which he expected, he would intervene [color=silver]"As for you, Alisaie....come at me with everything you got. You are my sole rook. I wish to see how long you can last in a fight."[/color] He rolled his shoulders and eased into a fighting stance [color=silver]"Now...begin!"[/color]