CS Name:Syrus Cromwell Age:16 Godly parent:Hecate Appearance:[img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-zLF6TOvu6b4/TZ0Z0dTzjII/AAAAAAAAAGo/5ByIJVDa3CE/s1600/thomasmcdonnell.jpg[/img] Background: Syrus was the son of a magician not a great one but he did love the trade in his own way. Sadly when Syrus turned ten his father disappeared in the middle of one of his tricks on stage. It was his first big show and he was debuting the new illusion. After give minutes of his father not returning the police and emergency responders were called to search the building. Nothing was found. Before he could be taken by the police a woman came to him and gave him the choice of staying to collected by these people or to leave on an adventure to find his father. Just as if it played in his mind he saw the events play out and in the end chose to leave. Since then Syrus would get visits from the woman and she would always give him choices to make each one strengthening his resolve. On his fourteenth birthday he learned that he was her child, and that she was a goddess of Greek origin. She explained to him that was the reason he could see things when presented choices. She also told him that he had other abilities but needed a focus to obtain and train them fully. She then presented him with a small lighter but more cylindrical in shape. She told Syrus to click the end and he did. In a flash of fire it became a staff with flame atop it and a white mist coming out from the base of the flame. From then on he learned magic and how to control the mist. Now on his sixteenth birthday he is headed to a place called Camp Half-Blood to help demi-gods like himself defeat an ancient evil while still searching for his father. Power: Natural affinity for magic derived from the mist. Can see where paths lead if at a crossroads, this includes decision making. Able to talk to ghost but cannot control them. Weapon or gifts from godly parent:[img]https://cdn3.bigcommerce.com/s-xwoa5/products/4288/images/1349/SC1_06_350__65650.1413915146.1280.1280.jpg?c=2[/img][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/granblue/images/b/b2/Torch.png/revision/latest?cb=20161006235227[/img]