"I would think self-preservation would be as much of a motivator to Teroiah as her reputation. She is going to be in Oblivion with the rest of us, and I doubt she has any intention of dying there. Particularly since Vile could claim her soul if she were to die in his realm. A danger all of us will face, really. If we defeat him as planned, then he will lose his hold over any souls lost during the fighting, but if we fail..." Meesei's voice trailed off. The stakes of the invasion had never been in question, but even so, speaking them aloud never failed to be unsettling. She was quick to move on from the subject. "I have not seen nor spoken to anyone from my family since my youth. I never had any siblings, and my parents both died before I left. The rest of my family, or indeed, the rest of the village, believes me to have died as well. I was raised to be someone of importance to my people. A Treeminder, a sort of shaman, as you may think of it. I was to be a leader of my village, but I ultimately found my purpose elsewhere. I faked my death, as I believed it would be easier for them in the long-run. It likely was, but naturally, I have not had contact with them since." She explained.