Ambrose barely noticed the figure approaching behind them, it was only when Caleb colliaded with a mirror image of himself did he notice the other man. It was incredibly disorienting to see two versions of Caleb, and he half expected the other one to laugh it off. His heart sank though when he instead eerily opened his jaw and let out a sort of verbal alarm. "Jesus fuck-" Ambrose cursed, stumbling back from the two. Everyone was standing in shock until their Caleb screamed at them to go. They scurried inside, though Ambrose lagged behind, eyes darting between the identical pair. He wanted to plead with his partner to hurry up, but it seemed as if Caleb already knew what he was going to say. There wasn't time to argue so Ambrose just nodded vigorously and spun on his heel. At this point he just had to trust Caleb to be able to catch up. The group all huddled into the building, panting as they dodged other mirror people coming out of offices down the hallway. Alex screamed out to them, "Come on, the basement is this way!" They all chased after Alex, Jeremy had latched onto Sam, pulling her along. Ariana and Ambrose stumbled over each other, Ambrose yelped as they tumbled and crashed down the stairs together. Ariana cried out in pain, "I think I broke something!" Ambrose was too busy untangling their limbs, he couldn't even feel pain from the fall because of the adrenline pumping through him. "Come on Ariana, we have to catch up with the others," Ambrose replied desperately, pulling her up and forcing her to run with him. They rounded a corner in the basement, halting to a stop when they saw the other three stopped in their tracks. Alex was staring at a metal door, his fingers running up and down it. "Fuck! I didn't think it would be locked!" He glanced back at the group, "Quick, someone!" Ambrose could hear hissing alarms getting louder.