[center] [h2][color=pink]Xayah[/color] & [color=lightblue]Rakan[/color][/h2] [/center] [hr] After the interesting events at the bar the two unique individuals had left...headed toward the empty apartment they had hoped to start renting. Since they had had no information they decided to check it out for themselves as their animal selves. After all if they couldn't be comfortable as their true selves what would the point even be? The next day the two were headed toward the police station in fairly similar clothes to the previous day. They walked close to each other with Xayah having a more open inviting walk and Rakan feeling more like he really didn't want to be out. Both soon made their way inside and Xayah walked up to someone to talk to first. [color=pink]"Hello? we are here about the incident yesterday...i guess we are supposed to be questioned about it"[/color] She looked around and saw Darnies resulting in a rather warm smile from her while Rakan remained silent and had the usual feeling of dread were still present. [color=pink]"Hello i recognize you two"[/color] The bright smile continued to be bright [color=pink]"Since we didn't really get to talk yesterday...we should really get to know each other more."[/color] Her thing with knowing people could borderline creepy, but her intentions seemed innocent enough.