[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/354788242224185348/458761006672510976/vtks-love-u.regular.png[/img] So what happened to Bonnie after scaring off the only person to show him the slightest bit of kindness in the last decade or so? Well, if you can believe it, the little bugger had his hackles raised - more so than usual. He was scowling at every passerby, his eyes darting from figure to figure, trying to determine who would be the next to confront him. He had a knife, sure, but if someone pulled a sword on him, it would take more than his rusty old pocket knife to hold them back. Damn thing was more rust than iron. His tummy rumbled still. One half-decent meal does not undo a lifetime of starvation, and he was loathe to steal from those like him. Satisfying his own hunger at the expense of someone else? That wasn't an option. Not if he knew it would starve them too. But... There was someone he knew that would have plenty spares. Or rather, a group of someones. And they'd be having something to eat right about now. But he couldn't just walk in, not dressed like he was. He needed something more substantial. He couldn't buy anything, but he might, [i]might[/I] be able to secure a get up from someone already there. The journey there was quick, though not because it was a short distance. Bonnie simply rushed along at breakneck pace, sidestepping, dodging, ducking and weaving around anyone who got in his way. At one point he even rolled over someone's back, and the poor sod barely felt him. Soon enough, the tall spires of the castle came into sight. He stopped. He looked around. There was the usual detachment of guards roaming in the gloaming, but there was quite a few others with different liveries and uniforms. Even if he had been planning in going through the front door, it would be impossible with the new detachment. Fortunately, he had other ideas. It's a good idea to build your castle on a steep cliff. Elevated position means greater sight of the area around you, solid foundation and a sheer cliff tougher than any wall. But there is one major weakness - you can't see anything down the sides. Bonnie looked down the sheer drop to the bottom of the cliff. He was gonna have to hurt himself all the way down there and all the way back up. Was it really worth the strain just for a bit of food? He'd all but forgotten his hesitation by the time he was halfway back up. [hr] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/354788242224185348/458762570493329421/char-bb.regular_1.png[/img] Oh for fucks... Can't a girl just read a book without being constantly interrupted? She didn't spend all that time and effort learning literacy to NOT read! Fuck right off! Is what Siiga would have said, if she hadn't recognised the person who so Dudley interrupted her private session. What she said instead was "GYAAAH!?" Was that...? Yes, it was! She recognised that face! And that scar - almost lost her a fortune, that scar. It was good the old bastard was so resilient. He was pretty much a safe bet. "Hold on a second. Aren't you..?" What was his name again? "Alu-card? From the arena?"