((Collab, Part 4.)) [i]Oh.[/i] Were William's next thoughts as anger and loathing faded, only to be replaced with a deep sadness. [i]So that's his motivation.[/i] He blurted out: "So there are more sufferings I cannot embrace?! So there are more troubles I cannot fix?! More stories that can only end in tragedy, that _have_ ended in tragedy?! What are you all telling me?!" A silent plea to the Gods. Tears fell. Then more and more and more. "WHY?!" A bump would be heard behind William. "No need to scream." A semi-jolly voice said, followed by a beeping sound. Behind him stood a average height tall doll clad in colorful clothes and with facial paint, he fit precisely into the jesterlike drawing in the former book. "But why? Why that's a perfect question! Why are you here? Oho? Are you crying?" The doll circled around a pale doll hanging by it's strings from the ceiling, trailing his somewhat feminine looking hands along it's form. Ascot turns towards the doll, saying: "Go now! Go away! I don't want to play any further role in this Cycle of Revenge!" Burning self-loathing coursed through the boy, even as he faced the Jester. "My feud isn't with you..." Nevertheless, William prepared to use yet another of his imitated powers, even as one hand took the photograph and the book. "We all have roles we are meant to play! But do we have to play them?" Fegin snickered slightly. "Oh you see, I cannot really leave? Well yes, I could. But you see... my masterino would be awfully unhappy in seeing me letting a burglar get away with... whatever you have taken. What to do?" The doll tapped his cheek in apparant thought. "Oh! How about you stay until he returns, boy he does seem to love surprises!" William turns to Fegin, and says, "Actually tempting. But I'm not handing myself over so that Galbrek can kill or enslave those whom I love. Nor am I going to try appealing to the better nature he once had; he'll see it as condescending. He's not Vittorio, or if those two share anything in common, it's not listening to people who, for all their faults, want to help." "Vittorio? Whose that?" Fegin tilted his head from side to side. "Oh who cares! Do you? What does matter however is that you are breaking the law you do goody two shoes you! You want to help yourself of all people! You don't care about anyone else really? As long as you get that awfully good warm feeling inside righties? You just love ruining peoples lives don't you?" Fegin tapped his hollow chest, causing it to make a peculiar sound as he leaned on his hula hoop ring. "How many peoples lives have you affected with your own way of living up to this point, my little burglarizing friend?" His words to Celine thrown back at him. William replied then: "Andras, Wolf, Vera, and maybe even Aram. My mother, my brother." [i]And my niece, but I'm not telling you of her existence![/i] "But what do you suggest I do? Ruin more people's lives by giving up? By changing for the worse? Die and wreak even more damage to people's lives?!" William's lips tightened. "Everything you say is true, but it won't stop me from wishing that I was someone better. And that wish...ought to be enough." Even as he cradled his stolen books, diary, and photograph into his arms, Ascot drew an imitated card. [i]Dead Weight - Bind this puppet's hands and feet; allow me to get away![/i]