[center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/1b970e88b27bc71b5e07ade82b025991/tumblr_inline_nl2o24LSHQ1rifr4k.gif[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180622/be99dadae7f4cd597bdead079d785403.png[/img][/center][indent]Somehow Astrid had convinced herself to wander around the hotel. Like most hotels in Las Vegas the Seara had a lot more to offer, with clothing boutiques, gift shops, arcades, things for people of all ages and interests, so Astrid was going to pass some time and do just that. [color=EDEB8A]"Maybe I should grab a bite or a drink,"[/color] she said, still attempting to convince herself to do something proactive while she still had the time to do it. She was in Las Vegas, but like always she would rather just spend the time sitting in her room enjoying the lights and glamour for afar. [color=EDEB8A]"I mean, I should."[/color] Within ten minutes she was out her door, strutting down the hallways, through the mirrored doors of the elevator, and in the lobby looking at the entrance to the mall that the Seara provided. People rushed by minding their own business with Astrid noticing she would have to do the same, of course she wasn't one to throw her neck out there for the sake of it, so she kept her head down as she weaved her way through the crowds, stopping at store after store, window shopping to see if anything of interest would pop up. [color=EDEB8A]"Wow, that's beautiful."[/color] Astrid cooed as she tapped at the glass of a jewelry store, a set of diamond earrings catching her eye. A smile appeared across her face as she continued on her trek through the mall of the resort, peeking at her phone for possible messages from the wedding party. [/indent]