"A pint? A single pint? Thom, you're going to owe me a whole distillery by the end of this." [hr] Liberty had driven HIS car decent enough he had to admit, although her wounded leg was sure to give the usually smooth ride a bumpy after-taste, like a really bad American whiskey. Scratch that, any American whiskey was bad. But the trio managed to get to the station without more fuss than Sierra HQ could deal with later. Right now they had bigger fish to catch. Lancaster/George had the Sig P226 firmly held in his dominant right hand, hopefully concealed enough in the mass of civilian commuters that the usual security guards wouldn't notice. Though they did when Thom/Cavalier of course had to do the obvious move of jumping over the ticket barrier, catching the attention of literarly everyone. Lancaster knew all too well, and was in no mood for their much-needed element of surprise to be intact, although his solution could go either way. Slowing down ever so slightly after Cavalier, Lancaster pulled out a large bundle of Pound Sterling bank notes alongside a fake ID that he quickly showed to the ticket inspector. "We're shooting a movie; Jason Re-Bourne. Sorry for the trouble." he said as if it was the most natural and honest thing in the world, throwing the money at the TFL- and security personell, before rushing after Cavalier again. And very soon, they had their man. "Roger that, Bugcatcher. Eyes on target." Lancaster could see the man all right, and the target could see him too. Lancaster rushed forwards towards him, now seeing the purple hoodie, grey lady-bag and his look of utter shock as the realization of getting found caught up with him. So did Lancaster. "Top of the morning to you, you git." Lancaster said faster than him raising the Sig and firing the tranquilizer at him, the dart-bullet-thingy finding its mark at his throat. As soon as that happened, he continued his rush forward with a good push to their target's forehead, certainly knocking him out faster than the tranquilizer. No big fight or grand finale, though today was not one of those days. "Kingmaker, Bugcatcher or Liberty, you better get us an ambulance fast. I got a plan." Lancaster said over his comms, holding the man down as he went to the ground, then looking to Cavalier. "Do you think you can play a concerned citizen? This man is clearly in need of an ambulance, don't you think?"