[@Phantomlink959] [@KatherinWinter] She offers Argus a almost too perfect a bow. [color=slategray]"I share similar feelings with Rookie Agent Richard Anselm. I do wish we were to get along as workmates."[/color] She then stood straight again and focused on the new arrival, the vampire. The scrying runes and sigils appeared yet again in her vision as her eyes focused on Griffin. [quote=System Notification] Senior Agent Griffin Green Species: Vampire [color=yellow][Aproximate Age Unkown][/color] Physical Status: Healthy Mental Status: Slightly Agitated [/quote] [color=slategray]'Proposal: Inquire about slight agitation.'[/color] Astra then walked close to the vampire and attempted to inquire about him. [color=slategray]"Hello, Senior Agent Griffin Green. I would like to inquire why are you feeling slightly agitated? Do you require sustenance or is something on your mind? "[/color] [hr] Richard smiles slightly at the artificial human. It made him slightly happy that she wanted to have good relations with her workmates. He then looks to Argus and gladly takes the coffee from his hands. [color=brown]"Thank you."[/color] Richard walks back to his seat and relaxes slightly at the scent of coffee, the aroma reminding him of simpler times in his life. God knows it had been a long night and he at least deserved some coffee.