Emily nodded towards her father, and it was true. They had been gone long, longer than it should normally take to perform a changing. Maybe the sister was struggling with it, she looked like the kind of person who was unused to more domestic tasks. Or tasks of any kind, really. Emily made her way towards the restroom, slowly stepping around or waiting for other people who were in front of her. Fortunately, the destination wasn't far, and soon Emily was pushing open the door to the restroom. Inside, she saw Sarah slowly pacing around near the mirrors, Charlie sleeping while pressed against her chest. Sarah's lips were moving, but Emily didn't focus on that. Instead she looked towards the brother and sister, moreso the brother, and nodded to no one in particular, a nod of confirmation. Emily's eyes met Sarah's for a moment, and Sarah craned her head towards the door. Sarah didn't want to be disturbed, she didn't want to wake Charlie, to the point where she was debating placing him into the chair and letting him sleep there. It was probably more comfortable for him like this. Emily, looking sad, left the bathroom and returned to where she was waiting for her dad. "Charlie is sleeping on his sister." SHe signed to him when he made his return.