The universe is so large, with an almost infinite amount of galaxies and planets that most believe that there really is no discussion on whether or not there are alien lifeforms out there. I mean, there has to be, right? Well, probably, but that's not really what I'm going to talk about. Wireless communication wasn't invented until the 1800's - a round about number we'll use that's good enough for this discussion, because I don't want to go into all the debates on who or when it was invented. So, we've only had access to this technology for the last 218 years. That's not a very long time in the scheme of things, even by a civilization standards. Even if you admit there are intelligent alien lifeforms out there, the chances that they have evolved technologically along-side earth to allow radio communication is really low. It is much more likely that they have either had a global extinction before we discovered radio waves, or haven't discovered it themselves yet. Not to mention how very different they could be compared to us that would make interactions impossible between us, such as genetic makeup and the like. As far as space travel, I think that it's supremely unlikely that even if there was an alien civilization capable of such things that they would even bother with earth. I mean, the chances that humans and another life form could be comparable is ridiculous to me. I mean, look at how different us humans are from one another from all parts of the world. And we're the same species! And the big jump from us humans to the animals that live on the same planet. Oxygen is probably poisonous to aliens for all we know. But there all kinds of interesting things you can find if you dig deep into history, especially into ancient civilizations, that kind of showcase the fact that "aliens" have been here from the start helping us early humans build our civilization. I know about the crazy conspiracy theories concerning this, and all the supposed "UFO sightings", and I'm not saying that they are true. But the theories are based on real evidence and facts, and that's what has me thinking. I'll just go ahead and say what I myself am convinced of. Aliens and UFO's are not from another world in space, I believe that they are us humans from the way distant future. Hear me out. What better explains why they would help us in the first place? Maybe they wanted to accelerate our growth to see if we would develop technology faster and end up a lot more advanced by the time they discovered how to time travel? Say, 1,000 years from now there is going to be a global extinction from an asteroid or whatever, and they didn't have the technology to stop it, so they gave early civilization a boost at the start and probably along the way at points in hopes that we would the second time around. Data would be what would be sent back first, before we would even be able to send anything physical, so that could also explain some of the "prophet" figures in history. I dunno, makes more sense to me than some other foreign alien life deciding to help out earth. What do you guys/gals think? I know this idea probably has already been talked about but I personally have just came up with it and find it intriguing.