The sun was shining, the water was blue, there was a playful sea breeze in the air that tousled Indy's hair and ruffled his clothes. He squinted out on the horizon-- ah, there was the boat with Daniel! Despite the anxiety and nervousness Indy felt, his mood lifted slightly when he thought about seeing his old friend. He smiled, remembering the small Caterpie they'd found... Where was it now? Was it a Butterfree, floating in the wind? Collecting pollen and nectar? Pokemon... He honestly couldn't say he had the strongest interest in them. Everyone seemed pretty crazy over them but Indy didn't see what the big deal was. Most pokemon trainers couldn't sustain themselves, after all, feeding and taking care of these pocket monsters got expensive. Sure, people who were good enough to battle on the regular typically got sponsored by companies and were able to actually make a living just from showing up to places. Popular coordinators too, since their matches were always televised and there was always some new coordinator making the screen. But for everyone that suceeded, hundreds had to fail. Besides, pokemon had been apart of their world since [i]forever[/i]. What was there to get excited about? Not doing well? Getting your hopes and dreams crushed? But he was here. Biding his time, waiting... Waiting for what, he wasn't sure. An opportunity? Something like that. Something where he got lucky enough that he didn't have to go off to uni and take over the family business. Also to prove to his parents he wasn't complete garbage. So after reconvening with Daniel after his failed attempt to journey on his own, Indy had decided to travel with his friend to another region. He'd been all over Kanto anyways and wanted a fresh new place to check out. He got bored easily. Daniel didn't know a thing about Indy's previous, ah, hiccup when he got chewed out by his parents for playing hooky. And Indy intended on keeping that to himself. But as Daniel called out to him, Indy went up to throw an arm around his friend and hugged him. [color=8882be]"Dan you're so fired up you look like you're about to explode,"[/color] Indy joked. He had a wan smile on his face. New professor, new pokemon... Boy he hoped he'd be alright. [color=8882be]"Yeah alright, let's get going."[/color]