Boran listened intently as Guthbert seemingly relented and spared some additional details about the job, growing visibly more serious as the Lord continued. The mention of mysterious artifacts was especially intriguing, perhaps even more so than the allusions to supernatural dealings in the keep. He snapped out of his contemplation as the one calling himself Flint made clear his decision. [b]"Well,"[/b] Boran joined, replacing the frown with a wide smile. [b]"As I said, I'm not one to easily turn down ridiculous amounts of money."[/b] He stood up, stretching his back while filling his lungs with the cool autumn air and exhaling with an audible grunt. He looked over the group with a nod of approval like a proud father watches over his children. [b]"Name's Boran, by the way. And seeing that this deal is going underway, we should properly seal it... or at least [i]I[/i] will."[/b] Boran turned away towards the bar to grab a drink as a sort of unofficial validation for securing the contract. He also needed to burn away that distant voice in his head that kept whispering "don't do it!".