[quote=@Nimda] *Pulls the trigger rapidly, shooting him in the head at the rate of a semi-automatic but with the accuracy of a sniper rifle* [/quote] *each bullet bounces off a sort of invisible forcefield around Rorkes body* Rorke: *looks at you* Huh.. you're employing little kids now, too? Thats low. Shinji: oh, shut up. I wasnt inf9rmed of her age until recently. Kurtis, if you can hear me, get Victoria and Joy out of here, it isnt safe. *turns back to you* And as for you, I think that a man who Beats women shouldnt have much of an opinion on anything. Rorke: thats awful elitist of you to say c9ns8dering you killed your own wife. Shinji: you and I both know that she was evil. Rorke: and? She's still a woman. And she's still dead. Shinji: she killed my children! Rorke: so you reservd the sole right to kill her? What happened to due process? What happened to justice? Who's to say your childredn didnt deserve what the had comi- Shinji: Shut. Your. Fucking. Mouth. Rorke: ooooh. strike a nerve, did I?