One day, I visted the bank to see it being robbed by what I believe was the weirdest sight I ever saw. Looking into the window, I saw a group of unicorns, armed with guns, threatening to shoot the bank teller. At first, I thought it was just a buncha guys in ridiculous costumes, but there were no signs of their bodies being fake. Just, what the hell? Then I thought I was high or drunk, which was probably stupid concidering I don't drink or smoke weed. Then I realized, Holy shit. These are real unicorns from the ghetto. So I hid in the bushed and called the police. I didn't mention unicorns to them though, they wouldn't believe it either! So I just suggested they brought animal control with them, then I hung up and booked it out of there. From there, to this day I'm concidering going to a therapist. It was an interesting weekend, but it made me question my life, man...