[img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/1f9e/th/pre/i/2015/208/1/8/zombie_clown_by_erosmilestailsprower-d932hqt.png[/img] Creator of drawing: EROS-ARISTOTELES-ART by DesuMoeLee Name: Zanni Bozo Age: 508 Species: clown (deceased) Appearance: rotten Weaknesses: extreme temperatures (low and high), maggots, injuries to the head Phobias: vegetables, necrophiles, dogs, felines, salt, silver Skills: fast eater, able to stop his own heartbeat, ambidextrous Supernatural Abilities Tier 1: floats on will (in/on any liquid), flexible Supernatural Abilities Tier 2: detachable and re-attachable limbs, sacrilige consequence immunity Supernatural Ability Tier 3: necromancy & undead recruitment Other: cannibal, same body temperature as surroundings, hyperdontia, notorious womanizer (just never lucky) (If anything is wrong, I am open for criticism.)