Fable woke up that morning surrounded by her own blood. She'd been hurt badly the previous night, and blood loss had made it difficult to think straight, so all her attention had been focused on getting away from Elise. Though she wasn't bleeding now, she had multiple gashes across her chest (the shirt from last night, which she was still wearing, was in shreds), and her nose hurt very badly. It was still difficult to think, but Fable pushed through the haze for a few minutes in order to think. It was obvious that she needed medical attention, but heading outside in broad daylight like this could get her killed. Then she remembered: Elise would have to go to the precinct today for questioning; the Hunter was hardly an upstanding citizen, but she recognised the practicalities of not pissing off the police. This would give Fable time to get to the hospital. So, trying her best to stay on her feet, Fable staggered off in what she thought was the right direction. She'd never had made it on her own, but thankfully, it is very difficult to get anywhere in a Western city in that kind of state without people finding it abnormal. A brief act of altruism later (which may have been "encouraged" by a little Fae magic), Fable was in a car on the way to hospital. [hr] Elise was unhappy. She was angry, furious. Her chance had been there, Fable had been [i]right there[/i]. On the floor, badly injured and lying on the concrete. Then gone, as if she'd never been present at all. And worst of all, Elise couldn't continue her search. After the events at the bar last night, the cops would want to talk to her. And saying no was never a smart way to procede. It drew attention as a murder suspect and only slowed Hunters down in the long run. Thus, Elise got to the precinct as early as possible, hoping to get it over with quickly. Entering the precinct, Elise acknowledged the ones from last night present with a brief nod in their direction, before speaking to the same person as Zayah, simply saying [color=Crimson]"Same as her,"[/color] before standing to one side and waiting for things to get moving.