[h3]Shion[/h3] [hr] "Of course. I thought every student in the city was one. Didn't you go through the power curriculum program? From what I've been told, it seemed like it was a requirement for every child in Academy City, and I thought after that even Level 0s were considered to be an Esper afterwords." She paused for a moment, considering whether or not to reveal her own strange situation. It wasn't like she'd gone through the program either, or at least not the usual kind. Being open about herself may have earned her some strange looks sometimes, but she had already resolved to not be bothered by things like that years ago. "To be honest, I don't know that I went through it myself. I don't really remember much before I was taken in by the orphanage. I think I started getting my ability when I was about... seven? But if you're really not an Esper at all, you're probably incredibly rare. Plus, if you didn't go through the program, maybe you still can. Or if you did, there's a rumor that there are ways to grow a Level 0's latent ability." Shion was a bit torn. On the one hand, if Bang wasn't an Esper at all then he'd instantly be much more interesting than she assumed. On the other hand, if he was a Level 0 then the mystery of what his ability might be was also enticing. "Besides, it's not like Espers are inherently tougher or anything. So rest assured, you'd probably be just as injured as you are now even if you had an ability, unless it was something pretty unique. [i]I[/i] can't think of anything that would have helped, at least." [hr] [@NaraK]