[h2]Tristan[/h2] "Worry not, Lady Obberhausen, amongst those who took a seat at the Round Table there may be many who had reason to hide their identities at some point in their lives. However, no knight worth their name would have reason to request such others to apologize for their own blunders," Tristan said, replying to Othis' apology. Tristan chose to not continue to antagonize Mordred. Considering the other knight's dangerously short fuse, any more conversation could lead to disaster, potentially jeopardizing the life and reputation of Tristan's Master. Instead of that, he took a step away from the table, a moment before Caster's offering of tea to calm their mood. "Apologies, but must refuse, Lady Caster. It's unbefitting of a knight to share the same table as their master without being told so," Tristan remarked, perhaps intent on poking Mordred's lack of decorum, while turning his gaze towards his absentminded Master.