[h3][center]Trevor Smithee[/center][/h3] [center][@Shoryu], [@Ninja][/center] After seemingly being thrown through a wormhole, Trevor ended up in some sort of dark, mysterious forest, and, taking a quick look at his surroundings revealed that there seemed to be some sort of ruins, nearby. [color=2e3192][i]Well, looks like the teleportation thing worked. I'm certainly not in Lucky City, anymore.[/i][/color] Trevor thought as he lit his left hand on fire, just to see better in the dark, however, once he did so, he noticed something odd... he was near a chasm... and there certainly weren't enough trees here to blot out the sun like that. The only think Trevor could think of would be someone practicing their dark magic around here, but why here? He shook his head as he headed towards the ruins, his hand still on fire to light the way. Trevor took a quick look around the corner of the ruins to see an odd scene... something to do with a strange alien and a very human-looking robot talking to some sort of cloud, after which, the alien ran away... he couldn't quite make out the shape of it from this angle, but whatever it was, the robot started shooting at it, which had about as much impact as shooting a cloud would. Trevor then thought for a moment... how would one best destroy a cloud-like creature? It seemed to be rather dark, but neither he, nor the robot, he assumed, had light magic to directly counter it, so, they would have to improvise, somehow. After taking what he thought was too long coming up with a battle plan, Trevor ran up to the robot, and just breathed fire, both on the cloud of darkness, itself, and on a nearby tree, just... desperate to have some sort of light-based THING that might hurt it. [color=2e3192]"I'm not here to hurt you, I'm a certified hero! I've already saved a world, and I'm sure I can do it again,"[/color] Trevor said, rather confidently, and in English, whether the robot could understand him, or not. That... was when he finally saw what he was fighting... some sort of horse... the smile on his face immediately faded, and he decided to ditch strategy, and just flew up to the thing to try to claw at it constantly, undeterred by simple things like time, and possibly being attacked while he was attacking the thing. He didn't know, or care what anyone, or anything said to him, after his short introduction... this thing wasn't going to be allowed to live, anymore, and Trevor was going to ensure it. Trevor never thought he'd ever find a hostile horse, but boy, oh boy did THAT ever make him angry... heck, all he was seeing was a vague shape of a horse, tinted red due to his complete and utter rage at the thing. He might not have even noticed the smaller, bluer horse thing that DIDN'T seem to be hostile, right now, and if said horse was near him, and was aware of this rage, they'd probably be counting their blessings.