Once Marcaunon had declined the offer of a beverage, it had seemed to show an indication of disrespect towards Claudius, stating with irritation that anything that no form of trickery was to be had, and anything he could ask for that was drinkable could be requested without complications. Instead of replying back to him, Marcaunon kept quietly to himself, refusing to say or request politely for anything. Once everyone had settled in with their beverages had, Claudius rose from his seat as he began speaking of the reason as to why Marcaunon and the other creatures were brought together on such occasion. With the elf paying close attention and his hearing fully focused, Claudius spoke of the various monsters that has been plaguing the sky and descending down onto the land, known to be happening a for only a few years now, yet Claudius mentioned that they will indeed begin to terrorize once more. As he continued listening, Marcaunon hears that the purpose of their arrival was to band together and help protect and defend the land from anymore incoming evil beings, Claudius stating that with their skills and abilities that together they will work as an alliance to end the terrorization of monsters destroying the populace of many races. Once the man had finished his statement, Marcaunon seemed confused. The biggest question that was running throughout the elf’s mind was to how did this man know of him? What purpose would he want of him and the others specifically to endure such a task, and is there something in it for them? Questions clouded Marcaunon’s thoughts, yet him being convinced that this would offer something of value to him was the opposite. [color=MediumAquamarine][i]“So if I can understand you properly,”[/i][/color] began Marcaunon, [color=MediumAquamarine][i]“You want to link us all together and use our supposed skills to inherit a task that many other beings have been carrying out for quite a while now, correct?”[/i][/color] The elf laughed to himself, thinking that the idea was of nothing more than a ridiculous manner, feeling that there is more than meets the eye with this purpose. Clenching his hands together on the table in front of him, he kept quietly giggling to himself, merely finding the situation humorous yet ridiculous as well.