Green eyes blinked in alarm as Lisa stumbled into a chair, relieved the woman was sitting. Though the relief was sh9rt lived as a concerned look flickered across the woman's face. Alice stiffened, alert and wary of what could possibly coming. For surely Lisa would see that she indeed need to leave New York, the city at least! But as Lisa explained exactly [i]who[/i] this Strumgeist was, Alice found herself sharing her mentor's worry. Why did such a vampire as Liam anger Strumgeist? Was it anger? They had said they were returning him to this powerful being. Not that they were killing him exactly. Too many questions flickered through the tailor's mind. Answers were a precious commodity and she desired more than the meager train she was receiving. "Dalton seemed to know them, and desire Liam's death as well." Alice admitted, her hands twisting about each other in fright. "But, Lisa I need to leave this city. I came here to beg for one last day's rest then I was going to flee. I don't want Liam to get the idea to hurt you." The younger vampiress admitted, her cheeks flaming as she looked down in shame. "I don't want to be his blood doll, or his lover. Her would seek that from me in trade for your well being."