Zarti and the C-Sec officer were making the rounds, holding polite conversation. So far the Quarian had managed to deflect a request for personal contact information exchange and a timid invitation for a date after the event. Her C-Sec friend was nothing if not persistent. Zarti chuckled at the woman's enthusiasm when the request for sound off came over the comms. Different operatives broadcasted their readiness over the channel designated for them. Zarti recognized with a delight Tower's voice before the Geth even had the time to finish its identification. "Excuse me." The Phantom directed at her C-Sec partner, stepped a few feet away, and used her omni-tool to restrict audio output to only within her mask. "Zarti'Kirtan, Phantom Guardian, on site and active, ID 3436944." Just as she was about to unrestrict the audio output of her mask another comm channel popped up on her omni-tool. Tower's crisp voice rang out, making Zarti grin with every word that fell out of its voice synthesizor. "Tower, you big softie. I'm so glad to hear from you." The Quarian grinned within the confines of her mask. The world thought them robotic in the way they tried to express their Geth emotions, but Zarti knew they were like children still learning how to express themselves. "You sure know how to flatter a girl, Tower. No wonder Athena's been pestering me to have you reassigned to the Phantoms." Zarti remembered how ever since her team and Tower worked together to rescue that VIP, Athena was keen to bring forth arguments in favor of Tower's transfer to their unit. Admittedly they were all sound arguments and the Phantoms would only benefit from such a transfer, but Zarti sensed another motive altogether behind Athena's reasoning. Something that even her partner didn't quite realise. Something more deep. Something emergent within Athena. And other Geth as well. The desire to connect on an individual level. Rather then as platforms all part of a single collective. "You better come say 'Hi' in person once we're done with this gig, you sweet talker!" Zarti urged Tower over her omni-tool and ended the communication. She restored the audio output of her mask and turned to her C-Sec partner. "Sorry, I had to receive a secure Phantom communique. Shell we continue?" The C-Sec officer nodded and the two entered the hall just as the Citadel Councilors were taking their places on the podium. Zarti noticed her team spread out, with Lemm and Apollo sticking close to the Quarian Councilor. She caught a glimpse of Tower's frame in the mass of bodies and grinned slightly. She would enjoy her reunion with that particular Geth. She still remembered the Platform Upgrade ceremony she'd attended when she was but ten years old. It was an auspicious event and one held to even further the bond between Geth and Quarian. Zarti would always remember with deep fondness the Geth she witnessed getting programming updates on that day! Tower chief among them due to their shared history.