Matija urged Tibulass to stop by a drive through grocery area prior to heading to their intended hole of degeneracy. After putting on a list, paying, providing a shipping address, and sending an additional note for safety and entry, she set forth to the unplanned winding roads of the seedy station. Their end-point was a place called “The Wasted Wormhole.” It was not as… reassuring as she thought it would be but a quick look around the place and a [color=F6989D]“Think we could get shit-faced here?”[/color] from Tibulass, she found herself grinning and snaking an arm around the bigger woman’s own. [color=DEB887]“Sure, baby. S’long as it’s with you,”[/color] the Mecorian responded with a flirty tone. With the bar scene and another person by her, Matija found herself going back to old habits: latching on to someone and following them around for a good time. However she insisted that they take a nice and comfortable corner for themselves. The bar itself wasn’t exactly like the 5 star ones that she’s used to but the couch’s cushions weren’t too bad just yet. She was, however, eager to order when a menu was placed in front of her. [color=DEB887]“You got a Redheaded Slut, honey?”[/color] she asked the waiter. With an confused smile, the young woman asked for clarification. [color=DEB887]“You know. The mix?”[/color] With a relieved “Ah,” the waiter listed Matija’s order: a small pitcher of the mix and a couple of shot glasses. Finding herself comfortable yet again, Matija snuggled herself close to Tibulass and laid a head on the taller woman’s shoulder. [color=DEB887]“How’s it feel to have flesh an’ blood again?”[/color] [hider=OOC]Tagged: [@Gardevoiran][/hider]