[hider= Perseus][color=darkgray][center][color=440e62][h1][b]PERSEUS[/b][/h1][/color] [/center] [b][color=440e62][sub][ ◈ ] N A M E[/sub][/color][/b][hr][indent]Albert Adrianus Luthor [/indent] [b][color=440e62][sub][ ◈ ] A L I A S E S[/sub][/color][/b][hr][indent]Percy, Al, Adrian[/indent] [b][color=440e62][sub][ ◈ ] A G E[/sub][/color][/b][hr][indent]29[/indent] [b][color=440e62][sub][ ◈ ] B I R T H P L A C E[/sub][/color][/b][hr][indent]Metropolis[/indent] [b][color=440e62][sub][ ◈ ] A L L E G I A N C E[/sub][/color][/b][hr][indent]Justice League United[/indent] [b][color=440e62][sub][ ◈ ] P O S I T I O N[/sub][/color][/b][hr][indent]Envoy, Strategist, Senior Leaguer, Team Leader, Combat Expert[/indent] [b][color=440e62][sub][ ◈ ] A P P E A R A N C E[/sub][/color][/b][hr][indent]Luthor has a strong resemblance to his infamous father, with the same strong jaw and high cheekbones. He is also tall, standing at 6'2 and has a powerful, athletic build sculpted by intense physical training and the rigors of combat. Luthor's skin is also sun-bronzed, a testament to his Mediterranean heritage and active lifestyle, but is still youthfully smooth. Unlike his father, Luthor's eyes are a striking aquamarine evoking the sea rather than the famous light green. His hair, shortly cut, is a dark blonde instead of auburn and he wears a closely trimmed beard. His Perseus persona features a form-fitting jumpsuit of Kryptonian make. The suit is dark purple in color and features a golden stylized Gorgon's head on his chest. The outfit also features black boots and gloves and a translucent helmet that can materialize from the outfit and also take on an ornate golden appearance. The suit is rounded out by a golden cape draped over one shoulder.[/indent] [b][color=440e62][sub][ ◈ ] A B I L I T I E S // S K I L L S // E Q U I P M E N T[/sub][/color][/b][hr][indent] - Like his father and siblings, Perseus has a genius-level intelligence and an eidetic memory. He was classically educated and has a wide-ranging knowledge of art, history, philosophy, and literature. He has two doctorates, one in psychology and the other in Metahuman studies. Perseus is thus an expert in psychological examination and is able to evaluate and form countermeasures against virtually all documented metahuman archetypes. Perseus is also fluent in English, German, Italian, Greek, Latin, and Kryptonese. - Unlike his father or brother, Perseus has embraced the idea of empowering himself beyond human limits. While Perseus trained himself to peak physical perfection, he augmented his impressive physicality even further with genetic augmentation. Perseus is stronger than ten men is faster and more agile than the most fleet Olympian athletes, is able to run for four days without sleep, and is catch arrows in-flight. Perseus' skin and bones were also toughened, making him more resistant to blunt trauma. His senses have also been heightened, allowing him to perceive the infrared spectrum among other superhuman feats of perception. Perseus is able to resist toxins that would kill normal humans and recovers from serious wounds more quickly and comprehensively than is mortally possible. He will likely live far beyond a hundred, perhaps even two. - Perseus is also an incredibly-skilled hand-to-hand combatant. He trained at a young age under the tutelage of Mercy Graves and upon joining the Titans, sparred with members of the Bat Family. He was beaten several times, but has only improved over time. Upon becoming a full-fledged Leaguer, he is widely recognized as one of the League's top melee fighters, even besides his enhancements. Perseus is an expert in several martial arts styles but and his true mastery lies in boxing, wrestling, blade combat, and spear and shield techniques. Perseus' mental fortitude is likewise formidable, allowing him to ignore extremes of temperature or pain that would debilitate lesser men. - His daily equipment includes a mono-molecular knife that can extend into a spear with a taser attachment. On his forearm is a gauntlet that can extend into a carbon nanotube shield that protects against projectile weaponry, explosions, and energy weapons. Perseus' nano-gloves allow him to scale sheer surfaces while his mag-boots allow him to fight effectively in zero-g environments. Perseus is also an expert marksman, especially with handguns, but does not include firearms in his daily arsenal.[/indent] [b][color=440e62][sub][ ◈ ] L I M I T A T I O N S // W E A K N E S S E S[/sub][/color][hr][/b][indent] - Despite his enhancements, Perseus is far from the mightiest of the metahumans. His augments allow him to compete head-to-head with the likes of Batman or Deathstroke, but they are woefully inadequate against his Kryptonian allies and those in their weight-class. It is also an exaggeration of the media when he is said to dodge bullets. Rather Perseus can track movements of the gun barrel and thus avoid it. - Perseus' shield can protect against small-arms fire well enough, but more powerful weaponry could pierce or even collapse the shield, forcing the gauntlet to fabricate it once more. And though he is more resistant to physical damage, Perseus is still mortal. Blades will still cut him and bullets will still harm him. He is able to shrug off severe wounds for a time due to adrenaline and his enhanced physiology, but a bullet in the gut is just as serious to him as a normal human if left untreated. Perseus' healing ability also only applies in the long-term, and doesn't help with wounds on the battlefield. He also has no special protection against magic or psychic attack besides an incredibly strong will. [/indent] [b][color=440e62][sub][ ◈ ] B I O G R A P H Y[/sub][/color][hr][/b][indent]Albert Luthor was the eldest son and firstborn child to Alexander Luthor II, better known as Lex Luthor and his one-time wife Eris Alexandra Pallas, the Countess. Lex and Eris had an extremely volatile relationship, one moment completely in love and the next at each other's threats. They separated while Albert, his brother Alex, and his sister Lena were still young. They would spend an equal amount of time growing up in Metropolis and Athens. Albert was taught all the intricacies of business and developed a keen interest in astronomy and athletics under his father. His mother immersed him in a world of mythology and literature, studying the Greek philosophers and the Romantic poets. He became a lover of art, music, and theatre. Both of his parents taught him how to manipulate people, how to dominate them, how to intimidate. Albert grew to have deep respect and love for both of his parents, though both often tried to put him against the other. Lex Luthor had long lived with the spectre of scandal looming over him. He was a public critic of Superman and all costumed heroes, and was on numerous occasions tied to criminal conspiracies. However, most of the charges never stuck and he was only imprisoned once. He would soon be pardoned for his help in defeating the Justice Lords when they temporarily disabled the Justice League, publicly teaming up with Superman and even going on to join the Justice League as a member for a time. His public image was restored, and his supposed criminal activities became ever more elusive. During a period of seeming amity with his former rivals, Lex made a grand gesture of producing a young Albert for membership in the Teen Titans. Albert was accepted but was not welcomed by most. In a team of outcasts, loners, mavericks, and rejects, Albert was still an outsider. The son of a supervillain. Albert, who somehow maintained a strong sense of justice and idealism despite his parents, was at first vehemently opposed to the idea that his father was the criminal people said he was. He was distrusted and ostracized. But as he spent more time with the Titans a mutual respect grew between them as they risked their lives to save one another on multiple occasions. He would grow to be especially close to Lara Kent, the future Supergirl, though he never warmed to her older brother Jon. Eventually, Perseus would grow to be a trusted member of the team, even if those in the Justice League had their reservations. And all the while, his father asked him for updates on the team's operations through a hidden communicator. To Albert it seemed like innocuous material and his father justified it by saying that even the heroes were not above the law and that someone should be holding them accountable, that the intelligence would be passed on to the authorities to ensure the heroes were acting within the law. Albert believed him. Until one day, when Albert had graduated into the Justice League and firmly established himself, a mission that Albert had described some details of was compromised and several members of the team were severely injured. Their target had also somehow gotten possession of Kryptonite. Though his father denied it, Albert suspected that Lex had informed the villains of the mission. In his heart, he knew that everything said about his father was true. Though he never had a public falling out with Lex, Albert became less and less visible in Lexcorp functions and devoted more and more time to heroics. He stopped referring to himself as Albert Luthor in public and went solely by his heroic alias, Perseus. It came as little surprise then when Lex named Albert's younger and even more prodigious brother Alex to the position of COO, effectively making Alex the heir apparent to LexCorp and the Luthor fortune instead of Albert. Perseus seemed to take the snubbing in stride and became a spokesperson for the Justice Foundation, a consortium of corporations and non-profit organizations that supported and augmented the Justice League's operations. He has proved to be a polarizing figure in the Justice League with an equal amount of friends and admirers as well as detractors and rivals. His charm and dependability won over many while others were put off by his overconfidence that bordered on arrogance, his sometimes ruthless methods, and his name. Despite all this, Perseus has come to be recognized as one of the premier figures of the modern League, and a face of the new generation of heroes. During the E-Day attacks, Perseus was a strong stabilizing element. He worked tirelessly to help organize the resistance to the Legion's attacks and fought where the chaos and carnage was worst. He saw many friends maimed, comrades killed, and civilians slaughtered. His resolve only deepened. Though he seethed with fury, he was one of the driving voices for the summit to negotiate a cease-fire. Perseus was one of the Leaguers to sign the Armistice, and his father and brother both signed as supposed independent witnesses. He knew the truth, that they were as much responsible for the destruction and death as figures like Black Adam or Queen Bee were. It was a hardened Perseus that returned to duty. Perseus remains determined to keep the bloodshed from spilling over once more, believing that the Legion can be overturned with surgical precision rather than all-out war. And yet Perseus is also fast growing into an advocate of the idea that the League should take an even more active role in world affairs, as the failures of mundane government abound. Perseus perceives that divisions are fast growing in the Justice League, and it is his fear that the League that he loves will tear itself asunder along with the world should war break out once more. He is resolved to do everything he can to stop either from occurring. [/indent] [b][color=440e62][sub][ ◈ ] N O T E S[/sub][/color][/b][hr][indent] - Perseus is pansexual and polyamorous, having had rumored liaisons with several prominent costumed heroes and villains. It is whispered that he is currently romantically involved Lara Kal-El, the current Supergirl and sister to the current Superman. - Perseus is known to have a cool relationship with his father and a rivalry with both his younger brother and his brother-in-law Superman. He is known to be close to his sister Lena, Hope, his half-sister by Mercy Graves and Kon-El, who is genetically his brother. - Perseus was named Albert for his father's hero, Albert Einstein. [/indent] [b][color=440e62][sub][ ◈ ] S O U R C E[/sub][/color][/b][hr][indent] - Greek demigod heroes of myth. - All-Star Superman, where Lex gave himself superpowers, though to a much lesser extent. - The implied Greek heritage of Lex in Superman:TAS combined with the German-American Lex in BvS. [/indent][/color] [/hider] [hider= Argonaut] [color=darkgray][center][color=gold][h1][b]ARGONAUT[/b][/h1][/color][/center] [color=gold][sub][ ◈ ] N A M E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Alexander Byron Luthor III[/indent] [color=gold][sub][ ◈ ] A L I A S E S[/sub][/color][hr][indent]The Mathmagician, the Imagineer, Alex, Lex Jr.[/indent] [color=gold][sub][ ◈ ] A G E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]27[/indent] [color=gold][sub][ ◈ ] B I R T H P L A C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Metropolis[/indent] [color=gold][sub][ ◈ ] A L L E G I A N C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]LexCorp (publicly), Legion of Doom (secretly) [/indent] [color=gold][sub][ ◈ ] P O S I T I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Chief Operating Officer of LexCorp, Field Commander in the Legion of Doom, Strategist, Science Expert[/indent] [color=gold][sub][ ◈ ] A P P E A R A N C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Like his father, Alex's eyes are bright green, framed by prominent eyebrows that always seem to have a slight arch of superiority to them. His hair is a curled vivacious auburn as Lex's was before he lost it. He even has the same aquiline nose. Alex's skin has a youthful cream tone to it however and his jawline and cheekbones are even sharper and more angular than his father's. And while he is of a height with his father and brother Alex does not have the same broad, muscled frame and instead possesses the wiry, whipcord muscles of a marathon runner. As Argonaut, Alexander dons an incredibly advanced golden power armor suit. The suit is broader-shouldered and taller, putting the wearer on par with the likes of Superman in physical formidability. The Argonaut armor is sleek and seamless, with no visible separation of plates. The helmet is an energy-based visor similar to Perseus' that manifests itself in a beautiful golden face devoid of any human emotion. A white emblem in the form of the Vergina Sun is carved onto the suit's chest.[/indent] [color=gold][sub][ ◈ ] A B I L I T I E S // S K I L L S // E Q U I P M E N T[/sub][/color][hr][indent] - The Argonaut armor is an incredibly advanced piece of technology, reverse-engineered from recovered Kryptonian warsuits with added LexCorp innovations. The armor is powered by a fusion core that provides it with nearly limitless energy. The warsuit has a highly advanced array of sensors and scanners as well as cyberwarfare programs that allow him to access and hack into almost any system both wirelessly and through direct interface. The warsuit's communication system includes holographic display systems and allows him to connect with LexCorp's vast satellite network. The warsuit contains Kryptonian propulsion systems that allow Argonaut to reach flight speeds exceeding Mach 20 while in orbit. The Lexos AI provides real-time strategic feedback to Argonaut and assists him in the operation of the suit. The Argonaut warsuit is made from Kryptonian alloys and is thus invulnerable to small-arms fire and is heavily resistant to all manner of weapons, these defenses are further augmented by a layer of powerful energy shielding that helps protect the wearer from energy and ballistic weapons. If the armor is damaged, nanomachine repair systems can knit the armor back together with the repair time depending on the severity of damage. - With special lenses, the Argonaut warsuit can project solar energy as both a utility tool and weapon, and can even be focused into red sun energy in order to weaken Kryptonians. The beam can be a devastating blast or a tight focused beam. The energy can even be projected as hot plasma in a flame-thrower like effect from retractable wrist-mounted nozzles on the armor's gauntlets. The shoulders of the warsuit can fire mini-missiles that separate into cluster explosives that are strong enough to pierce tank armor while being powerful enough to decimate a rifle company. The warsuit's gloves can emit a powerful electrical charge. A variety of self-propelling smart-bombs which can lock on to targets are belted around the armor's waist. The Argonaut suit gives the wearer super-human strength, allowing them to rip apart tanks. The last of the warsuit's weapons is a hidden monomolecular wrist-blade tipped with Kryptonite. - Even more potent than Alexander's warsuit is his genius intellect. Though his IQ has never been released to the public, many members of the scientific community have commented that Alexander may be even smarter than his legendary father with an almost machine-like mind. His intelligence borders in the realm of superhuman. Alexander demonstrates the ability to seamlessly perform multiple complex tasks simultaneously and has a perfect eidetic memory. He is a polymath with expertise in biochemistry, engineering, computer science, mathematics, astrophysics, and psychology. Alexander furthermore had the same classical education of his siblings but is more linguistically skilled as he is fluent in English, German, French, Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Latin, Elvish, High Atlantean, Standard Martian, and Kryptonese. Alexander's senses are much keener and his reflexes much faster than any normal human, purely due to his superior intelligence. He is able to learn complex skills and analyse complicated problems much quicker and more comprehensively than the average person. Alexander's mind is so sophisticated, and his mastery of it so absolute that he is even able to dampen pain, regulate his internal body temperature, slow down his heartbeat, and spike his adrenaline in order to quicken his reactions.[/indent] [color=gold][sub][ ◈ ] L I M I T A T I O N S // W E A K N E S S E S[/sub][/color][hr][indent] Despite the Argonaut warsuit's power, it is not nearly as powerful as any superhuman strongman. Argonaut can flip over a tank and can go toe-to-toe with a Kryptonian if he had to, but he is still outclassed in terms of physical strength against Superman and his ilk. The Argonaut suit is sturdy as well, but it has it's limits. It could take a direct punch from Superman's fist, but not without collapsing the shields. Further hits would damage the armor itself. Analogous damage would have the same effect. And though his energy attacks have virtually unlimited power, Argonaut runs the risk of overheating the suit and must allow his laser projectors to cool down. The cool down period depends upon the severity of the usage. Finally, the suit would be overwhelmed by a significantly powerful EMP blast, which would shut down it's systems for a period as it reboots. A brilliant enough hacker or technopath could also breach the suit's security and it has no defense against magic. Outside of the suit, Alexander is a genius, but still a mortal man. And an arrogant, occasionally neurotic, one at that. [/indent] [color=gold][sub][ ◈ ] B I O G R A P H Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Alexander Luthor III was born the third child and second son of Lex Luthor and Eris Pallas. He was born during a time of strife in his parent's marriage, and it is likely that he was named Alexander as much to spite his mother as it was to honor his father. He had much the same childhood as his siblings, but little details are known. Lex Luthor went to great lengths to keep details of his family out of the public eye, but rumors spread from Luthor estate workers tell tales of a brilliant but cold, haughty, and troubled youth. He was known for his ingenuity however, and his childhood innovations and inventions in computer technology and robotics were often displayed at LexCorp galas. were often the pride of LexCorp Unlike his siblings, Alexander was not frequently seen in public functions for most of his life, only entering notability once he graduated from Metropolis University and assumed a position as COO of LexCorp. Alexander has never been outed as the Legionary Argonaut, but his identity is assumed from covert intel and psychological analysis. It can be surmised that Lex Luthor groomed all of his children to be formidable both mentally and physically, but Lex went further with his second son. Instead of encouraging his involvement in the Justice League, Lex Luthor trained him to use a warsuit and made sure that he shared the same loathing of Superman and the same yearning for mastery and dominance. In public, Alexander puts on a charming and amiable facade, but the true Alexander is ambitious, cold, manipulative, cunning, and ruthless. He sees most people as tools rather than living beings, and has an almost complete disregard for life. He is a suspected sociopath and often displays cruel and sadistic behavior, with a macabre sense of humor. And yet Alexander does believe himself to be in the right, and that it is the Luthor family's vision that is best for humanity. The Justice League is an obstacle and the other members of the Legion of Doom are a necessary evil to achieve his father's true goals. And his own. For unknown reasons, Alexander is known to have an intense rivalry with his brother Albert. The exact reasoning for this is unknown, and neither have spoken of it. Alexander share's his father's complicated relationship with Countess, both loving and despising his mother. Even his father, whom he is devoted to, is not on overtly friendly terms with Alexander. Alexander heeds his father and looks up to him, but there is still resentment and scorn for certain aspects of his upbringing. The only fully positive relationships he seems to have in his family are with his cousin Natalia Luthor, by Lex's sister Lena, and his half-sister Hope, the daughter of exiled Amazon Mercy Graves. His own full-blood sister, Lena, Alexander seems to have been estranged with following her marriage to Jonathon Kent and the birth of their child. Alexander has very few companions besides his cousin and half-sister, as he is extremely reluctant to trust anyone.[/indent] [color=gold][sub][ ◈ ] N O T E S[/sub][/color][hr][indent] - Alexander has a cult following of supporters and fans due to his active social media presence and the amiable image that presents him as a progressive tech magnate for social change and good works. [/indent] [color=gold][sub][ ◈ ] S O U R C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Alexander Luthor Jr, Red Son Luthor, Birthright Luthor, DCEU Luthor, Patrick Bateman[/indent][/color] [/hider] [hider= The Question] [color=darkgray][center][color=steelblue][h1][b]THE QUESTION[/b][/h1][/color] [/center] [color=steelblue][sub][ ◈ ] N A M E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Nicholas Aristotle Sage[/indent] [color=steelblue][sub][ ◈ ] A L I A S E S[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Nick Sage, Q [/indent] [color=steelblue][sub][ ◈ ] A G E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]28[/indent] [color=steelblue][sub][ ◈ ] B I R T H P L A C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Gotham[/indent] [color=steelblue][sub][ ◈ ] A L L E G I A N C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Justice League United[/indent] [color=steelblue][sub][ ◈ ] P O S I T I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Covert Agent, Investigator, Combat Expert, Senior Leaguer[/indent] [color=steelblue][sub][ ◈ ] A P P E A R A N C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Frank has a striking look, something of an impediment in his line of work. Frank inherited his father's strawberry blonde hair, which he wears short. He has his mother's smooth caramel skin, and both of his parents icy-blue eyes. Frank has the same rugged handsomeness one might see in a classic Hollywood detective, with strong features and a subdued intensity of countenance. He stands at 5'9 with the subtly muscled physique of a man who has been training in hand to hand combat all of his life. A nasty scar runs down one side of his face, a knife slash that runs vertically down under his right eye and across his lip. Frank seems to have a perpetual layer of stubble and despite surgery, a keen eye can detect a hint that his nose has been broken at least once. As the new Question, he combines the color schemes of both of his parents. His hat, leather overcoat, and pants are the signature dark blue. But Frank's button-down shirt is a royal purple while his vest, tie, gloves, and shoes are black. In contrast to his father's traditional style, the new Question's garments of a a sleeker, more modern cut. Like his father, the Question persona has dark black hair and an uncanny flesh-toned mask that conceals all of his features.[/indent] [color=steelblue][sub][ ◈ ] A B I L I T I E S // S K I L L S // E Q U I P M E N T[/sub][/color][hr][indent] - Nicholas was trained from a young age in hand-to-hand combat and while he is not among the Justice League's most skilled melee fighters, he is still a formidable opponent and is more than able to hold his own in a fight. What he may lack in the natural talent and dedicated mastery, he makes up for in experience and improvisation. Nicholas is versed in a variety of Eastern styles as well as boxing and wrestling, and frequently makes use of his weaponry to grant him an edge. It is suggested that Question may be a minor metahuman and possesses enhanced stamina, strength, and agility but he has not yet displayed any feats that are not within the realm of human ability albeit peak human. - His equipment includes a coat lined with hidden pockets that can hide several odds and ends and is inlaid with carbon weaves that protect him from blades and provide resistance the small arms. His shirt is made from a similar material. His weaponry includes a pair of synth-metal knuckles, a Swiss Army Knife, a monomolecular switchblade and push dagger, a taser baton, and a semi-automatic heavy pistol on a shoulder holster. His tie is also made of an incredibly hardy synth-fabric and can be used as a garrote. Like any self-respecting mystery man, Nicholas carries smoke grenades to obscure his location and aid quick escapes. Nicholas is also an expert driver, especially on his personal hoverbike. - The Question is one of the Justice League's top detectives. He is shrewd, cunning, and relentless in his investigations. He has an almost uncanny instinct for promising leads, and is a master of interrogation, able to discern falsehood from truth with amazing accuracy. Whether through intimidation or through guile, the Question is almost always able to get the information that he wants. Perhaps his greatest asset as a detective is his willingness to pursue even the most outlandish and implausible hypotheses, ones that most rational people would dismiss out of hand. Question is also a master hacker, able to break into almost any system, and is well-versed in all the forensic sciences, and he wears a VR contact lens to help him identify and analyze evidence. - Though a hero, Question knows all the skills of a master thief, and is able to move quickly and quietly and can break in to nearly any place he shouldn't be, as true mystery man should. He is also a deft pickpocket and a prodigy of disguise, able to take on a variety of identities with the use of pseudoderm masks along with convincing accents and body language. Question carries a variety of pre-crafted Pseudo-faces in his coat and is also able to use spare material as a bandage in case of injury. His own blank Pseudoderm mask includes a filter that helps protect him from gas attacks. He carries a special gas that helps attach the mask to his face and can change the color of his hair. A second spray removes the mask and dye. [/indent] [color=steelblue][sub][ ◈ ] L I M I T A T I O N S // W E A K N E S S E S[/sub][/color][hr][indent] Despite his resourcefulness and tenacity, the Question is still just a mortal man and has the vulnerabilities of one. He is stronger than most, swifter than most, more tireless than most. But he is nowhere near as powerful as the vast majority of superhumans are. Furthermore, Question's outfit gives him a limited degree of protection from small arms fire, but sustained fire or sufficient force will still pierce the material. Question also cannot make new masks in the field and has to construct it with pseudoderm in a lab before he can use it. Beyond possible enhanced physical traits and perhaps his keen intellect, he possesses no special superhuman abilities.[/indent] [color=steelblue][sub][ ◈ ] B I O G R A P H Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent] Nicholas Aristotle Sage, was born the first and only child of Vic Sage and Helena Bertinelli, the Question and the Huntress. Any hope his parents might have possessed for their son to have a normal life away from the path of a hero doomed from the start by Nicholas' close friendship with other children of costumed heroes, particularly those of the Wayne family and their allies. They all played at being brave warriors and champions, just like their parents, and they all dreamed of action and adventure. As one of the so-called Justice Heirs, Nicholas wanted for absolutely nothing in life. His parent's salaries as Leaguers, supplemented by his father's PI business and his mother's security consulting, afforded him a comfortable upbringing. He grew up in a upscale high-rise apartment in downtown Gotham, one of many self-sustaining environmentally conscious buildings erected by Wayne Industries. His father never trusted public education and wanted to homeschool Nicholas, but his mother eventually persuaded, or intimidated, Vic into agreeing to Nicholas being enrolled at Gotham Academy, with many of his eventual heroic comrades. Nick received a world-class education, but due to his parent's skepticism for authority, Nick was something of a rebellious though accomplished student. He and his schoolmates followed in their parent's footsteps from an early age, embarking on precocious investigations into mysteries and scandals that uncovered shocking secrets and often involved great danger. For his friends, they were great adventures, but they signified more to Nick. They told him that nothing was as it appeared, that there were vast conspiracies and shadowy forces at work in the world, and that the truth needed to come to light. The fact that he grew up with aliens and magical beings only inflamed his almost obsessive find to the find "the truth" in the world in order to truly deliver justice. And he did believe in justice. He spent too much time with Leaguers to believe otherwise. He just had much more unconventional views on it. For his parents' part, after they found out that Nick, Helena Wayne, and others managed to uncover an artifact smuggling ring during a school trip when he was 10, they decided the best thing was to train him. Nicholas was trained in martial arts since he was a young child, but his training took on a new tempo when it was clear that he was set on joining the Justice League. His father and mother personally instructed him in every skill he would need as a professional hero. He learned surveillance and interrogation techniques, acrobatic maneuvers and survival skills, hacking and forensic sciences. Fighting most of all. He joined the Teen Titans at 13 under the codename of Deus Ex, as his first costume had included a more traditional black jumpsuit with a skull half-mask, inspired by his mother's tenure training operatives for the now defunct covert agency Spyral. As Deus Ex, he became fast friends with many who are now the faces of the Justice League. He became even closer to one Mary Bradley Kane aka Hawkfire, the daughter of Slam Bradley Jr. and Bette Kane, niece of the first Batwoman Kathy Kane and the current holder of the mantle. Nick had been childhood friends with Mary due to his father's close partnership with Renee Montoya who married Kathy Kane, Kane further being a friend and comrade of his mother. It was during their years in the Teen Titans while Mary was known as Redhawk, that the two became even closer. Initially, Nick became romantically involved with his friend Helena, then Batgirl, but he had always had feelings for Mary. Eventually however, Nick and Helena mutually agreed that they were better as friends and amicably ended the relationship. As a Titan, Deus Ex never stopped trying to delve to the heart of secret conspiracies, and even uncovered a few, though his somewhat outlandish hypotheses and rather eccentric methods raised eyebrows among his teammates. However their team would prove extremely successful and gain both admiration from those in the field and acclaim from the public, and Deus Ex proved himself many times as a worthy hero and detective. Deus Ex was 18 when he joined the Justice League as a member of their investigation division as well as field operations, partnering with his parents on many occasions. He continued to work with Mary until finally confessing his feelings to her. They began dating and eventually both spent most of their free time on Astrapolis, living in quarters that had been set aside for Leaguers. Many in their generation came to spend their leave in orbit more than they did on Earth. After a few years of living together, the pair were engaged. They were married in a Catholic ceremony in Gotham, a private affair that Nicholas nearly missed due to his belief that the Spanish Inquisition had returned and that he had to stop them before they sabotaged his wedding. The pair would go on to have three children, two girls and a boy. They married within the community, did so early, and had children early, all common for superheroes. Nicholas, was happy. But for the next few years, his investigations and inquiries took strange turns. Dead ends and vanished leads, all in disparate mysteries that even his intuition and intellect couldn't connect. He ignored the enigmas, finally putting it down to coincidence rather than conspiracy due to the lack of concrete evidence or clear motive. Nicholas only knew the truth when it was too late. He had almost stumbled onto the Legion's E-Day invasion plans. And as cities burned and people died, it all became clear to him. During the violence, Renee Montoya was severely injured and Nicholas took up his father's mantle as the Question. With his undercover investigative skills, he brought several criminals to justice who had been involved in the planning and operation of E-Day, winning renown in the process. As Question, Nicholas has become one of the Justice League's most valuable undercover operatives and investigators. But those close to him note that he carries great guilt for the events of E-Day and Renee's injury. Irrationally, Nicholas believes that it was his failure to connect the dots of the conspiracy that led to so much carnage and death. Since that infamous day, Question swore that he would not let such a failure happen again. His personal relationships with both his friends and family have been strained in recent days due to his workaholic nature, but he has been instrumental in the Justice League's cold war against the Legion. [/indent] [color=steelblue][sub][ ◈ ] N O T E S[/sub][/color][hr][indent]- One of the Question's closest friends in the League is the second Huntress, Helena Wayne. Nick's mother was both namesake and godmother to Helena, due to his mother nearly dying to protect Selena Kyle during the pregnancy. The two later became mentor and apprentice, forming such a close bond that after Helena "graduated" as Batgirl, she took up the name Huntress. - Question collaborates closely with the current Nemesis, Julia Tresser, who is the daughter of Thomas Tresser and Cassandra Sandsmark. Nemesis utilizes Question's pseudoderm tech for her covert work, as her father did with his own father. - Question's middle name is in reference to Aristotle Rodor, who was an ally of his father and helped him prepare the Pseudoderm masks. - Nicholas' former alias of Ghost is taken from the phrase, "Ghost in the Machine", symbolizing his lifelong belief in some shadowy entity directing the course of history. Ghost is now the codename for Question's protege. - His father was raised Eastern Orthodox and his mother was raised Catholic, but neither were particularly devout. He was baptized more as a precaution against demonic possession, an actual possibility, than anything else. Nicholas believes in the existence of the Abrahamic God, he'd be foolish not to considering he is acquainted with both angels and demons, but pays him no particular reverence.[/indent] [color=steelblue][sub][ ◈ ] S O U R C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]DCAU Question, Rorschach[/indent][/color] [/hider]