[@Dynamo Frokane] I guess I would consider myself a naturally left-leaning centrist with conservative values. I don’t know much about economics or politics, and I condemn most people who consider themselves “well versed” in politics, because the vast majority of the time, nobody has a clue what they’re actually talking about. Having and sharing opinions is fine and dandy, but a fair amount of the time, acting like your political opinions have more validity than others when you have no political background is tantamount to claiming omnipotence. Well, unless you’re a nazi or something. Then you’re just a moron. Unfortunately, every other self-righteous tool thinks that they’re a learned economist because they read three articles on economics, and they heard somebody who might know what they’re talking about say something in a vaguely intellectual fashion. I try not to comment on topics I don’t fully understand at all, but I feel like most political arguments between average people are fruitless, vapid, and often devoid of fact. For that reason, and the fact that people get pissy if you don’t agree with them, I try to avoid political debate. Any time that I do get involved, it’s mostly just to point out how abysmally ignorant something is. Of course, the same could be said about writing, art, or any other creative medium. But at least those topics are subjective.