Indigo took an equally long time as Dan, overwhelmed by the sheer choice of pokemon they were able to choose from. Some of them were pretty cute, and some of them looked lame, and some of them looked awesome. He deliberated over the choices, trying to figure out which pokemon appealed to him the most aesthetically. Treecko and Snivy were sleek and cool looking, but Torchic, Chikorita, Piplup, and Rowlet were absolutely adorable. As far as type was concerned, Indigo couldn't have said that he cared too much. Truthfully he just wanted an easy pokemon to handle. [i][color=8882be]Well...[/color][/i] So he closed his eyes, waved his finger around, and jabbed at the screen. His index landed on the fluffy, orange and yellow chick looking pokemon. [i][color=8882be]Guess that settles it.[/color][/i] [color=8882be]"Hey prof, I'll take Torchic for my starter,"[/color] Indigo yawned. The cuddly, warm look it had made it look like the easiest, least-threatening pokemon to handle. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he was actually too nervous to take on the cooler, tougher looking starter pokemon like Treecko and Turtwig. He batted the idea that he may have been scared away. [i][color=8882be]It's just that it's a cute pokemon and I feel like getting a cute pokemon. No big. My next pokemon's gonna be totally cool though.[/color][/i]