Ashley woke up like she normally does, one sense at a time. The air smelled musty and stale like it has been trapped here for some time. The ground was cold and hard, concrete probably. And finally, she could see the gray concrete walls illuminated by a row of lights coming from a center of the expanse. None of that was important compared to the realization that she was alone. The Familiar feeling of a sheath that should be clutched between her hands was missing. It is not on her hip, and it is not around her. Ren is not here. Needing to look around, to find where she is at, and were Ren is, Ashley realized how alone she feels without the presence of her partner in the back of her mind. 'This place is to clean for some of my enemies, not nice enough another, and generally does not have enough fire for the third.' Ash reflected, peering out from the nook she awoke in 'So where am I here?'