The slime may have been aware of the attention it drew to itself, enough at least to respond to the hint of anxiety. When the masked man [sub]([@Gentlemanvaultboy])[/sub] pointed, it stopped. Meandering there, as if it has mistaken itself the center of conversation. [i]"You can stop hiding your face..."[/i] [sub]([@MikkishtheLeprechaun])[/sub] the slime overhears, and contemplates, molding on its own as if pulled by some invisible hand into a 'sitting position' - a bubbling mound apparently paying attention to the people directly in front of it. It could have toyed with them more. Out of everyone, the pile of putty was the only one not really reacting to potential danger. That would change in a [i]scream.[/i] [sub]([@Samdragonx])[/sub] From a distance, the sound rippled through it, like a shudder. It lost its form. The sticky puddle went red, magma hot, if its intense aura was any indication, and for the first time, a genuine sign of sentience emerged on its surface: a pair of eyes winked to life, ogling the environment, searching for the source of that awful sound. One of the men pointed in its direction again, but it didn't follow with the assumption of staying put, slinking across the ground at his heels. It left a blackened shadow over the ground as it moved, and the eyes rolled around and around, riding the wave.