LINK Link looked at the girl she was with earlier then at the guy. "Y'all have weird names but nice bodies." She gave an evil stare to the two lunk heads and spoke with a menacing tone. "They on the other hand need to apologize to their teachers for failing them." She turned back M. "So what's the deal with J? I didn't receive no invitation. I received an annoying thing that interrupted my sleep. You, J, or both of you can interrupt my sleep anytime." She winked during the last bit. CLOUD Was about to cast the spell on the sleeping girl when some goon barged in pointing his sword at a clearly defenseless woman. He stepped in front of her. "Put that sword down before I put several through your skull." He drew his sword in it's combined state, he aimed it at the floor. "You are in a medical center, a fact you would have noticed if you bothered to pay any attention before embracing your base animalistic instincts. Act like a man not a rabid animal that has to be put down with extreme prejudice." HE-MAN & SHE-RA He-Man & She-Ra followed the guy to the medical wing. Upon arrival and seeing the glorious stupidity of this Cinix yet again they were beginning to think that maybe these Cinixians were only deserving of their help solely because they were so stupid. She-Ra went to the doctor and whispered. "I suggest you move your patient if you can and find smarter employers." He-Man didn't draw his sword but did get his [url=]Snake Claw[/url] ready to strike if necessary.