[color=39b54a]"Why, Spectre, if I didn't know better, that tone of voice of yours would almost imply your not happy with me being here."[/color] Fauus kept a neutral, though hardly cold, tone as he remarked on how Aviza had come across the comms. Typical, really, of his fellow Turians. Cold and distrustful, he couldn't say he was surprised to see that from one elevated to the Council's own boogeymen. At this moment the human female, also a Spectre, was given access to the secure channel and he had a curious expression on his face as Aviza spoke on being in this together and all information should be shared with everyone at once. That was asking to clutter the comms, with both valid and invalid information, but, he was not in charge. He did sneak in a remark prior to changing over to the indicated security channel, considering it wasn't relevant for all parties in the security team after all. [color=39b54a]"Of course, right up until everyone isn't on the same team. Then things get interesting."[/color] Spectre Morgenstern requested a comms check, one that C-SEC had run on the secured channels already, and it fit into the typical operational protocol for this sort of operation. Of course, the first to chime in was volunteered by Morgenstern, the Turian Spectre rattling off her ID number and providing a format for the rest to follow. There was little else for him to consider about Aviza at the moment, though he was preparing a intelligence package for Cabal forces. There was no shortage of Cabal agents that would be owing him drinks, considering he had confirmation of another Spectre. The first unknown to chime in was Alria Vicrinus, and a quick check on his omni tool brought up some basic information he had access to. Blackwatch, which raised several red flags, as the humans put it. Why assign both a Blackwatch operative AND a Cabal Adept to the same security detail? Something was going on, that much was plain to see. Her openly wearing Nightshade blades, coupled with the tell tale bumps of the Havoc jumpjets, gave him a feeling she was rather eager to get in close and personal. Next where a pair of Geth units, and unfortunately, Fauus had little access to any information about them. Only that they were vetted and cleared to assist in security. A lot had changed since the Reaper wars, after all, so he didn't see it as odd. Rather, he was merely irked at the lack of information. A glance confirmed their kit though, typical Geth weaponry, and he had to respect that. He'd seen the results of Geth tech on hostile forces, not in person mind you, and he could respect their capabilities if nothing else. Though he would have to keep an eye out for tech savvy hostiles, last thing security needed was hacked and malfunctioning synthetics running amok. Next he noted the N7 human male chatting with an Asari, apparently swapping contacts. Excellent, distracted and unconcerned, at least in appearances. Fauus knew damn better than to underestimate the graduates of the N7 program, considering their reputation and the results they produced. Still, he would be keeping an eye on the N7 male, slightly more so than everyone else. The next human on comm check was David Fletcher, a human biotic, according to the available summery Fauus' omni tool brought up after the ID code was punched in. Appeared to be lightly armed, meaning a focus on biotics over split firepower. The Turian could respect that, though hopefully David's chosen powers were not nearly as focused as Fauus' own abilities. Beyond that, extensive experience with the Asari, military man, but seemed rather comfortable with the pomp and circumstances around formal events and gatherings. Another useful tool to have, should it be necessary, if the need arose, Fauus would recommend the Biotic Human be assigned to crowd control, getting the dignitaries and the like to safety. Mentally filing the information away, his attention shifted to the next person to check in. A Quarian also reported in, a Zarti'Kirtan and a Phantom Guardian at that. Now that was a group that had its fair share of gossip in his old Cabal. Initially considered a PR stunt, their rather alarming effectiveness in joint arms actions, be it violent or otherwise, had earned a begrudging respect among his peers. Even better, they avoided the spotlight whenever possible, which the Cabal had full respect for, often operating under similar conditions as well. Now he was convinced that the higher ups here were not only expecting, but certain of trouble. Cabal, Blackwatch, Phantom Guardian, numerous N7 and Spectre operatives, and that was just in their immediate security detail. That did not include forces outside their group that would be involved in assisting, should trouble indeed arise. But, unfortunately, that left the Turian as the last one of the immediate detail to apparently not have checked in yet. [color=39b54a]"Fauus Caldros, Cabal Adept. Tightbeaming position tracking to your omni tool, Spectre Morgenstern."[/color] Fauus had no interest in sharing identifying information with just anyone listening in on the channel, so he took his own initiative in ensuring the detail lead knew where he was. He also had nothing else to contribute, discussion wise, so he continued observing. The Councilors were busy preparing speeches and the like, and sadly, this was shaping up to be a long, drawn out event. All the more concerning as to why so many elite, specialized forces had been gathered for an event that had an overwhelming amount of security to begin with. Fauus had a gut feeling things were about to get really ugly, really quickly, and no one was going to see it coming. No one that would speak up, at any rate...